Tag Archives: hotel

National Parks Taking A Lead In Eliminating Sugar & Shampoo Waste In Hotels.

by Anura Guruge
on September 15, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Such a great & simple concept.

Has been a pet peeve of mine. Click on image to access my post from 2016.

These are the folks that run the hotels at the Park. Click image to access this page.

Made me REAL happy to see these simple BUT so monumental changes. BRAVO — Park Service; BRAVO — ‘Delaware North‘.

I have been agitating for this type of change for years. The waste of sugar & sweetener packets drove me nuts. Though I don’t use sugar, I would bring the sugar packets home rather than see them get thrown away.

The waste of half-used shampoo/conditioner/lotion/body wash bottles was another source of frustration. I know that this issue bugged some hotel management too. They actually could put a dollar value to the waste.

I knew that in October 2019 California banned hotels from using the small, individual ‘amenity’ bottles. I was thrilled. I wrote about it.

So now we are seeing what could become the new norm.

Check the second photo of the bottles. Noticed that they are ‘locked’, i.e., you can’t open them (easily) to contaminate the contents. That was always the issue. That guests would tamper with what was in the bottles. Yes, it wouldn’t take much to get past this lock, but it is a deterrent.

The sugar/sweetener solution is just so sweet! So, simple, elegant & straightforward. Yes, people would have touched them. If that upsets you, bring your own.

Well, this made me HAPPY — as you can see.

Way to go.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com