Tag Archives: hospital

I Am NOT On ‘Next Pope’ Watch, I Think ‘Francis’ Is The New ETERNAL POPE!

by Anura Guruge
on June 7, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

Yes, of course, I heard THE news early this morning (given that I don’t go to bed till very late).

It did NOT prompt me, in any way, to jump into ‘Next Pope‘ mode.

My attitude (& parameters) towards the ‘Next Pope‘ has changed, dramatically, in the last 18 months.

I kind of subscribed to the notion that Francis might retire/resign. I NO LONGER DO, i.e., I think Francis will doggedly stay on as pope till the very end (partly to spite all those that wished he would retire).

Despite all his physical ailments, Francis doesn’t look like he is ready to keel over! I think he is good for at least another 3 years. BUT, of course, I could, as ever, be very wrong.

But, but, but … I am, right this minute, NOT on ‘Next Pope’ watch.

Yes, it is also true that I am crazy busy on other projects, but ‘Next Pope’ is something that grabs my attention.

Yes, maybe I will start doing SOME thinking.

Here is ANOTHER cracker. I think Francis will convene a November Cardinal Creating CONSISTORY! Yep, I am fairly convinced of that (though again I could be very wrong). I think he is going to TOTALLY & utterly stack the decks. He is going to ignore the 120 elector limit. He will make sure that HIS ELECTORS make up 70% of the electorate.

Then he is going to live to be the SECOND OLDEST pope as of 1400. SMILE. Come on. It is fun to have an ‘Eternal Pope’. Well, we had one in JP II but he started off young. Francis with modern medical care & God’s help will live past 90.

‘Pope Francis’ Was Rushed To Hospital TODAY With Breathing Difficulty — BUT He Is Expected To Be A-OK.

by Anura Guruge
on March 29, 2023

From ‘Google News‘.

Just sharing this JUST in case YOU hadn’t heard. I happened to be listening to the BBC — that is how I got an early heads-up.

He is 86 & as is well known part of his right lung was removed when he was in his early 20s. He is known to be prone to chest ‘infections’.

Just a heads up.

He is expected to be A-OK — per the Vatican.

Now we all know that the Vatican, the heart of the Church, can be fully & utterly trusted. Right? Right? So, I will NOT question what they say.

So, I, for ONE, refuse to go into ‘Next Pope‘ mode as yet. I am putting my faith (for whatever it is worth) on what the Vatican is saying.

So SAD To See That We Can’t Even Maintain Basic Human Civility Even During Christmas — During A HOSPITAL Visit!

by Anura Guruge
on December 24, 2021

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Click to ENLARGE & read here. Link to U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ article.

Click image to access my last ‘Manners’ post from October.

This is just plain SAD.

This was not clever. This was not cute. This was not politic. This was just plain SAD.

I feel sorry & bad for the misguided father. His kid is in hospital. And this is what he has to say.

How sad.

It is Christmas.

Biden, by any measure, is an old man.

Biden, by any measure, is a decent, caring man.

This was not clever. This was SAD.

I feel SAD for the U.S. I feel sad for humanity.

We need to be better than this.

Think about it.

It is Christmas.

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