Tag Archives: Hollywood Beach Road

Today’s Snapping Turtle Rescue.

by Anura Guruge
on August 20, 2023

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This was on ‘Hollywood Beach Road‘ — a fairly busy road down the hill from us. It gets its name because our beach, at ‘Halfmoon Lake‘, used to be popular with actual Hollywood sorts way, way back. I amble on it most days because I can’t get to our beach without going on it some — & during the Summer I like to include the beach on my amble on a near daily basis.

I was talking to a neighbor, who also happened to be ambling, when we saw this SUV drive by with two kids gesticulating, like crazy, from the back window. It stopped shortly. I looked around & saw what the excitement was all about.

It was SMALL turtle, about 4.5″, crossing the road.

A car was approaching from the other direction & the two boys were scared that it would run over the little guy.

I was just there. A few quick steps & I was STANDING over it, guarding it. The approaching car stopped. Saw what I was doing. I waved for it to drive around me.

The two boys approached with the mother. I thought they wanted to keep it. I offered them a Turtle Tank — given that we still have a few from the days we kept turtles.

No, they weren’t going to keep it, they just wanted to move it to a safer place. I was all in favor. Just wanted a second to snap a picture. (Above) The older boy picked it up, EXPERTLY, after identifying it as a snapper. He knew what he was doing. I was impressed & pleased.

Good ending for all. Made my day.

ANOTHER Poor ‘Bambi’ Didn’t Make It Across The Road, Alas.

by Anura Guruge
on May 15, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

The one on January 14, 2023 — 4 months ago (more or less to the day). You can see the snow in January. No snow today.

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This one was about the same distance from the house, viz., about 1/4 mile — but on the other side, so to speak. Unlike the roadkill in January I did NOT stumble upon this one. I was told about it & I actually went looking for it this morning (during my amble). Wasn’t hard to find.

I gather the accident happened on Thursday or Friday LAST WEEK! I am surprised it was still there. It was beginning to deteriorate. I heard there was a lot of fresh blood on the road the day it happened. The blood is still there BUT it is totally tried & semi-soaked in.

Wasn’t a pretty sight. Shame. I hate to see this.

But, we do seem to have a lot of deer this year. I have seen quite a few. I can’t tell you whether it is more or less than usual since I just don’t know. I am NOT a hunter. I know that this is when we start getting the babies. I hope we don’t get too many killed on the road. What a waste. And they do do damage to cars. I have seen it.

Let’s hope that I don’t see anymore this year, though I have a sinking feeling that I will be dissapointed.

Poor ‘Bambi’ Didn’t Make It Across The Road, Alas.

by Anura Guruge
on January 14, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

Wasn’t a pretty sight & I had zero warning that I was going to come up upon it.

Yes, on my usual, daily, 4-mile jaunt — along a route that I haven’t traversed in 10-days or more. So, not sure how long it has been there. I only took this one picture, so you can’t see that its backside has been fairly well chewed over. Its poor tail is totally detached.

It was in a ditch, on a slight incline — of course, by the side of the road (viz. our famous ‘Hollywood Beach Road‘). Coming up the incline I saw a large crow in the ditch pecking at something. It flew away as I got closer.

Then I crested the incline & BANG … it was there. It was a bit of a shock. Shame.