Tag Archives: Hollywood

Today’s Snapping Turtle Rescue.

by Anura Guruge
on August 20, 2023

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This was on ‘Hollywood Beach Road‘ — a fairly busy road down the hill from us. It gets its name because our beach, at ‘Halfmoon Lake‘, used to be popular with actual Hollywood sorts way, way back. I amble on it most days because I can’t get to our beach without going on it some — & during the Summer I like to include the beach on my amble on a near daily basis.

I was talking to a neighbor, who also happened to be ambling, when we saw this SUV drive by with two kids gesticulating, like crazy, from the back window. It stopped shortly. I looked around & saw what the excitement was all about.

It was SMALL turtle, about 4.5″, crossing the road.

A car was approaching from the other direction & the two boys were scared that it would run over the little guy.

I was just there. A few quick steps & I was STANDING over it, guarding it. The approaching car stopped. Saw what I was doing. I waved for it to drive around me.

The two boys approached with the mother. I thought they wanted to keep it. I offered them a Turtle Tank — given that we still have a few from the days we kept turtles.

No, they weren’t going to keep it, they just wanted to move it to a safer place. I was all in favor. Just wanted a second to snap a picture. (Above) The older boy picked it up, EXPERTLY, after identifying it as a snapper. He knew what he was doing. I was impressed & pleased.

Good ending for all. Made my day.