Tag Archives: Hobo railway

Some Good Pictures Of A Railway ‘Switch’ Following Deadly ‘Amtrak’ Derailment In Montana.

by Anura Guruge
on October 1, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

A railway switch was eyed as a possibility right at the start
following this deadly Amtrak derailment in Montana.

Click to ENLARGE. ‘Hobo Railway’ ‘Loon’, New Hampshire. Looking towards switch.
Switch set to let train travel on inner (i.e., righthandmost) tracks.

Click to ENLARGE. Same as above, but from the other direction.
Train will travel on tracks curving to the right.
Click to ENLARGE. Another view of the same switch.

Click to ENLARGE. Same railway system, different switches further down the line.

Click to ENLARGE. On a narrow gauge track in ‘Loon’ — at the ski resort.

Click to ENLARGE. ‘Conway Scenic Railway’, New Hampshire.

Last week, when I went looking for some good pictures of railway switches to illustrate the concern folks were having with the recent deadly Amtrak derailment in Montana, I was frustrated.

A few days later I happened to be around three railway lines, all with switches — phone/camera in hand. So I took the opportunity to take some pictures.

Elegant engineering. Very clever. Does its job well & simply too. Very clever.

I also happen to come across a DE-RAILER. Yes, the names says it all. It is a device to derail a train — i.e., stop it in its tracks. This is to prevent it going where it should not be going.

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