Tag Archives: history

‘Wyatt Earp and the Cowboy War’ (2024) Miniseries Now On ‘Netflix’ – Absolutely Brilliant. Educational & Riveting.

by Anura Guruge
on August 30, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. ‘IMDB.com‘ listing.

Wow. Wow. Wow. Who knew? Certainly NOT I. The infamous gunfight at the ‘O.K. Corral’ was a mere episode in a much more complex and complicated saga — involving the aftermath of the Civil War, U.S. railroads, ‘Wells Fargo‘, U.S Presidents and U.S. politics. This was a tour de force HISTORY LESSON. Kids should be shown this in school to get them hooked on history.

I was NOT expecting what I got from this miniseries. I thought it would just be a ‘bang-bang‘ ‘you-are-dead‘ cowboy series. There was so, so much more. I learnt so much. I was riveted.

Beautifully produced. Bravo. One of THE BEST. Must watch.

‘1066 — The Year Of The Conquest’, By ‘David Howarth’ — Quite The Book, Short Be It, About The ‘Norman Conquest’ Of Britain.

by Anura Guruge
on January 17, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.
Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE. For ‘Amazon’ book listing.

I, alas, know more about papal history than I know about British history, European history or World History. I never got to study history in school past the age of 12! Yes. No, it wasn’t because there was anything wrong with me. It was THE SYSTEM — (I assume it would now be called the ‘Old’) British Schooling System. In those days of yore, & we are talking 1950s, 1960s & early 1970s, around the age of 12 you opted to follow ‘Arts’ or ‘Science’ (with the school occasionally letting people know that they have made the wrong choice & should switch).

IF you chose ‘science’ as I did then for the next 6 years all you did was math & science related subjects & some languages: e.g., English, a second language, algebra, geometry, trigonometry, physics, chemistry, biology, zoology etc. No history, no geography, no civics — just languages & science.

Well, at 12 I was still in Ceylon. They didn’t teach us British history in Ceylon. They taught us just Ceylon history. And that was that. That was the end of my formal education in history. Everything else, ever since, I have learnt through reading & my own research (particularly so when it came to papal history).

There are reams & reams I have NO CLUE about when it comes to British history. Yes, shame on I. I, now in my dotage, just don’t have the time to rectify that.

I think (& I can’t be sure) that I picked up this small, thin (a classic ‘Penguin‘) 208-page paperback at our local supermarket’s book swap bin. When I saw the title I knew what it was about. That much, i.e., ‘1066‘ & ‘Conquest’, I did know.

It was an absorbing, elucidating & informative read. David Howarth has an interesting style. It is economical (something I envy), comes across sometimes as stilted BUT it ends up being easy to assimilate. He has the knack of not getting lost in the weeds. Yes, I would have liked more, but in the end it proved to be Goldilocks.

If you like history you might want to give this book a try. I sure enjoyed it & learnt a bunch.

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I Had Not Realized That Men’s Pants Had Zippers Back In The Early 1950s.

by Anura Guruge
on April 18, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia link.

As I have often posted on this blog, I, for the last year or so, listen to 2 hours of an audio book, via Amazon’s ‘Audible‘, during my daily, 4-mile morning walk.

I am currently listening, with great pleasure, to “Anna Jean Mayhew’s” debut novel “The Dry Grass of August“. I plan to do a post about it when I am done. I still have about 90-minutes left (& I will be sad when it is over). Very well written & quite the story.

This morning she happened to mention a man (the protagonist’s dad) walking up from under a pier pulling up his zipper. That was in August 1954. I was 11-months old.

I had NOT realized that zippers were in common use in the U.S. in 1954. We sure did not get them in Ceylon till the 1960s. So, I thought that this might have been an anachronism. I made a mental note to check when I was on my PC. I did. I found the above. So, it was not an oversight. She had got it right. (I am glad).

Well, something else I learnt — & that always makes me happy, i.e., learning something new every day.