Tag Archives: Halfmoon Lake

I Walked All The Way Across The Entire Length Of ‘Halfmoon Lake’, ‘Alton’ (New Hampshire) Today.

by Anura Guruge
on March 1, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. GPS track from my ‘Garmin Venu 2‘ via ‘Garmin Connect’.

I have been walking on ‘Halfmoon Lake‘ since December 28, 2021 of THIS winter. To start with I, for obvious reasons, stayed close to the shore. As the winter progressed & the ice got thicker I ventured further out. Walking conditions had NOT been ideal. Either no snow coverage to provide traction or too much snow making it hard (without snowshoes).

Today, after some light snowstorms walking conditions were tolerable. So, I decided to walk at least a mile. The initial zig-zags indicate my tactics for tackling snow. I walk on ‘packed’ snowmobile tracks. The ‘slightly’ compressed snow limits the amount I sink into the snow. I try to follow the most compacted tracks. I zig-zag along until I find a good track. That is what I did today.

Once I did the 1-mile I was 3/4 of the way across. So, I continued. It was FUN.

We, i.e., Rowen & I, had the ENTIRE lake to ourselves. We like it that way.

When Nature Decides To Celebrate Valentine’s Day.

by Anura Guruge
on January 15, 2021

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Click to ENLARGE.

On ‘Halfmoon Lake‘, Alton, New Hampshiremy lake — yesterday.

In the snow. TOTALLY NATURAL. Created by wind. Honest.


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Ambling Across Frozen ‘Halfmoon Lake’, ‘Alton’ (New Hampshire) — This Morning, January 10, 2022.

by Anura Guruge
on January 10, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. GPS track from my ‘Garmin Venu 2‘ via ‘Garmin Connect’.

Click to ENLARGE.

This was NOT the first time we ventured onto our lake, viz., ‘Halfmoon‘, this winter (i.e., 2021 — 2022). We, i.e., Rowen & I, had tentatively gone in a bit on two weeks ago.

Then the lake had not been frozen for long & I wasn’t exactly sure of the ice conditions.

Now, things are different. We have had quite (a brutal) cold spell. It is a shallow lake. It is frozen good. So we ventured out about a mile — straight in. Had the lake ALL to ourselves. That is invariably the case. It is nice to have a whole lake to yourself. Rowen loves it.

It was cold. There was quite the breeze. I think the wind chill, in Fahrenheit, was in the low single digits. But, we had fun.

Now that we have started we will most likely walk the lake multiple times a week. So, stay tuned.

It is fun. Come & join us. No tickets required.

First Time Venturing Onto Frozen ‘Halfmoon Lake’, ‘Alton’, This Winter, I.E., 2021 — 2022.

by Anura Guruge
on December 28, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. GPS track from my ‘Garmin Venu 2‘ via ‘Garmin Connect’.

Click to ENLARGE.

One of the FEW things that make the bitter & interminable Central New Hampshire winters enjoyable — hiking on empty FROZEN lakes, in this case my local ‘Halfmoon‘.

Today, for the first time this winter (i.e., 2021 – 2022), I saw footprints on the lake. Wow. I, having fallen into frozen lakes 5 times in my adult life, never to be the first to venture onto a frozen lake. I, especially in my old age, prefer others to check out the strength of the ice. Typically I wait until I see snowmobile tracks going way out into the lake. If the ice supported a 1,500 lbs snowmobile it is likely to be able to carry my 150 lbs.

Today there was plenty of snowmobile tracks on the beach & surrounds but none on the lake. Hhhmm. But, there was a lot of footprints. Plus, having lived by this lake for the last 14 years, & swum in it most Summers, I do know it quite well. It is VERY shallow for the first 100, if not 200, yards — & I am talking less than waist high. Moreover, given this atypical shallowness (for a lake) Halfmoon tends to freeze faster, harder & thicker than larger, deeper lakes.

So, I gave it a spin — with Rowen, the Newfie. We didn’t go too far out as you can see from the GPS track above. But, it felt good. As is often the case, had the lake all to ourselves. We BOTH appreciate that.

I went & checked posts from prior years. This about 10 days EARLIER than in prior winters. Interesting.

The Wonders Of The World Through The Eyes Of A 10-Month Old, 110lb, Newfie.

by Anura Guruge
on October 29, 2021

Click to ENLARGE.

I do NOT think I need to elaborate. The picture tells it all.

This is her beach. She has been there most days of her life since she was 10 weeks old. She takes it all in. She has a lot of gravitas. Very studious. Studies all in front of her. Just look at the picture.

Just in case you are wondering, that is ‘Halfmoon Lake‘ in Alton, N.H.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

When Local Media Try To Sensationalize A Story By Disingenuously Adding ‘Mystery’ To The Title.

by Anura Guruge
on July 2, 2021

Click image to ENLARGE. Google Image search for ‘New England freshwater crayfish’.

Kind of cute. Making it out that nobody knows what this thing is. Sure looks like a crayfish to me. Not a mystery at all. Just something awaiting confirmation.

This happened real close to us — during the storm I posted about yesterday.

They mention two lakes as the possible source of this ‘creature’, viz. Locke Lake & Halfmoon Lake. The latter is our lake. I have spent a lot of time on that lake, albeit never diving it per se. I have never seen any crayfish. That is not to say that there couldn’t be any in that lake. It is of fairly decent size.

It is just the ‘mystery animal’ part in the title that tickled me. I first assumed that this was going to be an unknown species of animal. Not just another common or garden variety crayfish.

That is local media for YOU. Smile. They have to get the clicks — by hook or by crook.