Tag Archives: Halfmoon Lake

Dramatic Deer RESCUE On Semi-Frozen ‘Halfmoon Lake’, ‘Alton’ (N.H.) By ‘Alton Fire Dept.’

by Anura Guruge
on January 4, 2024.

Click images to ENLARGE.

Two YouTube videos I took.

The GOOD NEWS. It survived.
I went back to the beach, 90 minutes later, & checked all around.
It was gone. That meant it was mobile. WOW.

Halfmoon Lake‘, ‘Alton‘, New Hampshire is our ‘Association’ beach.

I try to swing by the beach MOST DAYS — year-round. Today was no exception. Swinging by the beach is part of my morning 4-mile, 2-hour, leisurely amble. Today, for a rare change, I didn’t have the dogs. They had walked 2 miles & I had taken them away. I was on my own.

As I approached the beach I could see this ‘black’ blog on the lake. Too big for a loon. My phone/camera has an AWESOME ZOOM. (Smile). It was a deer.

I have never had luck trying to call N.H. ‘Fish & Game’. So, I called 911 & asked for Alton Fire — & specified it was not an emergency. They were very nice.

Then I went back to the road to guide the fire trucks. While waiting I saw an ‘Alton DPW’ truck, with two of my ‘friends’, driving by. Flagged them down. ALL THREE ENTRANCES to the beach were chained off. So, they walked … Then a Green ‘Barnstead’ fire truck appeared. They had heard the call PLUS had someone from Barnstead call it in too.

I explained about the chains. Said I thought one of the chains had an ‘Emergency’ padlock. They didn’t have keys for such locks. So, they just cut one of the chains. I was impressed.

Alton Fire came in force. They launched their Airboat from the boat launch on Rte 28, on the other side of the Lake. Rest is history & you can see the pictures.

We thought the deer had broken its front legs. Not so. They had to use a noose, on a stick, to eventually to ‘drag’ it to the beach. We feared the worst.

But, it was OK. I went back to check.

Great JOB. WOW.

Today’s Snapping Turtle Rescue.

by Anura Guruge
on August 20, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

This was on ‘Hollywood Beach Road‘ — a fairly busy road down the hill from us. It gets its name because our beach, at ‘Halfmoon Lake‘, used to be popular with actual Hollywood sorts way, way back. I amble on it most days because I can’t get to our beach without going on it some — & during the Summer I like to include the beach on my amble on a near daily basis.

I was talking to a neighbor, who also happened to be ambling, when we saw this SUV drive by with two kids gesticulating, like crazy, from the back window. It stopped shortly. I looked around & saw what the excitement was all about.

It was SMALL turtle, about 4.5″, crossing the road.

A car was approaching from the other direction & the two boys were scared that it would run over the little guy.

I was just there. A few quick steps & I was STANDING over it, guarding it. The approaching car stopped. Saw what I was doing. I waved for it to drive around me.

The two boys approached with the mother. I thought they wanted to keep it. I offered them a Turtle Tank — given that we still have a few from the days we kept turtles.

No, they weren’t going to keep it, they just wanted to move it to a safer place. I was all in favor. Just wanted a second to snap a picture. (Above) The older boy picked it up, EXPERTLY, after identifying it as a snapper. He knew what he was doing. I was impressed & pleased.

Good ending for all. Made my day.

Today’s 5″ Of Rain In ‘Alton’, N.H., Flooded Our Shared Beach At ‘Halfmoon Lake’.

by Anura Guruge
on July 16, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

It sure rained a lot today, but until we saw the news at 6pm we had not realized that we, in ‘Alton‘, N.H., had got 5″ of rain. It really did bucket down. Wow. A part of one of our major roads, Route 140, was washed away. Check this TV report.

Though I had walked by the beach this morning (below), in the pouring rain, I hadn’t gone to the beach itself. I was trying to stay as much as I could under tree cover to get some shelter. I then heard the beach was flooded. I had to go see. I did. Pretty spectacular. Yes, the water will recede.

I for one do remember another Summer of HIGH LAKE WATER such as this. 1998. This is approaching that. In 1998 we had ‘NO WAKE’ on all the New Hampshire lakes even on July 4. Boaters were not happy. I don’t think we have got to that point yet — though we have to be close.

Well, I walked for 1 hour 45 minutes in that rain. I did. I did. Here is proof. I was soaked!

Click to ENLARGE. From my ‘Garmin‘ smartwatch.

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Yesterday At Our Beach On ‘Halfmoon Lake’, ‘Alton’, New Hampshire.

by Anura Guruge
on June 2, 2023

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I don’t need to say too much, do I? The fish are ‘big mouth bass’. They were caught in the lake & were RELEASED as soon as this picture was taken. That is ‘Spencer’, my neighbor, friend & helper. FULL DISCLOSURE. I did use ‘Magic Eraser’ to ensure ‘privacy’. SMILE.

I Spent Over An Hour Walking On Frozen ‘Halfmoon Lake’, ‘Alton’ (New Hampshire) This Morning.

by Anura Guruge
on February 8, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. GPS track from my ‘Garmin Epix 2‘ via ‘Garmin Connect’.

Click to ENLARGE.

Spent much more time on the frozen lake today than I did yesterday.

We had a dusting of snow last night. It was just enough to coat the ice. It was still slippery underfoot but the snow helps. Stayed close to shore not because I was worried about falling in, but because it is still slick.

Had the lake all to myself today. Nobody out fishing. It was a blast. I find it like that quite often — outside of Summer. So nothing that special for I or the dogs. It is our private lake.

I Walked On Water, I.E., Frozen ‘Halfmoon Lake’, ‘Alton’ (New Hampshire) For The 1st Time In 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on February 7, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. GPS track from my ‘Garmin Epix 2‘ via ‘Garmin Connect’.

Click to ENLARGE.

In prior winter’s I would have been on the lake weeks before. Last winter I was walking the lake in December. This year, given the warm days we have had, the ice was not thick enough until just the last few days. It seems plenty thick enough now — & as you can see from the top photo (especially if you ENLARGE it) there is a 4-wheeler on it with folks ice-fishing.

As the GPS track indicates I did NOT venture far into the lake. Wasn’t because I was worried about falling in. It was because the ice was too icy! There wasn’t enough of a compacted snow covering. Without that it is BUT a sheet of ICE. Not fun to walk on. Too slippery.

I like a couple of inches of snow on top of the ice COMPRESSED & COMPACTED by snowmobile tracks. Great to walk on. Firm & good traction. So, that is what I am waiting. But, today I broke my duck. Stay posted. Before the winter is out I will walk across as I always do. SMILE.

‘Rowen’ (Our Newfie) Goes Kayaking For The First Time.

by Anura Guruge
on July 8, 2022

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Click images to ENLARGE.

Though she is now going down to our lake (viz. ‘Halfmoon‘) twice a day — once in the morning & then late evening — this was the FIRST time with a kayak. This was my first time in a kayak this year & last year I did kayak at all (supposedly saving myself for Stand-up Paddle Boarding though that didn’t happen either).

But, we got the kayak, finally, to the beach this evening. It is stored there now. So, I will probably do more kayaking in the coming days.

Rowen was intrigued. She had seen others in canoes & kayaks before BUT she had steadfastly ignored them. Like it was below her dignity to try & investigate what they were. But I on the water, at eye-level, was a different matter. She followed the kayak — basically the same way she typically follows me most places. My fluffy shadow. It was cute.

Surfeit Of Pollen Turning Lake Water Yellow.

by Anura Guruge
on June 10, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. Same for the two images below.

This was our lake, viz. Halfmoon Lake (in Alton, New Hampshire), this morning.

This happens most years (if not every) around this time.

Pollen from the surrounding trees getting blown into the water.

Kind of pretty.

It can be quite thick.

My Sunset Yesterday At ‘Halfmoon Lake’, Alton, N.H.

by Anura Guruge
on June 7, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE & enjoy here.

Summer is fleeting up here in the Arctic circle. So, I TRY to make the best of it.

We have beach rights to this lake, i.e., ‘Halfmoon Lake‘, in Alton, New Hampshire.

I usually walk the beach in the morning — with Rowen. I, however, never go down to the beach during the day! It is too hot or I am too busy.

But, I try to go down, for an hour or so, after 7pm. Try to do that most evenings — weather permitting.

Usually I am the only one there. I like that. Plus, after 7pm, dogs are allowed on the beach. So, I can take Rowen.

Rowen & I have been going down the last few evenings. She likes it. She sits on the sand & takes it all in.

This was yesterday, June 6, 2022.

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Unusual (Not Happy) Happenings At Our ‘Halfmoon Lake’, Alton (N.H.) Beach, This Morning.

by Anura Guruge
on May 30, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE.

I know what happened BUT I am NOT going to talk about it here.

I heard the sirens around 8:40am while I was still in bed, drinking my coffee. It was NOT on our road, though I saw a white SUV, with red lights, drive by a few minutes later. So, I knew something had transpired close-by, but had no idea where.

Around 9:40 we set off on our walk with both the dogs. We walked past the beach BUT did NOT see or hear anything. Hhhmmm. Then I dropped the Harrier off at home & took Rowen, our Newfie, for her extended walk — with multiple swims to keep her cool.

We went back to beach so she could go in the water. We were confronted by a police car with lights flashing. I was waved away. I obeyed.

But, there are two other roads to the beach & they were both open. Plus, there were folks at the cottages around the beach. So, I proceeded to the beach. I met some folks, who have a cottage, who told me the news.

That is it. I just wanted to document this day for posterity.