Tag Archives: greatest evil

Pope Francis Is DEAD WRONG! Greatest Evil In The Church Is ‘Clerical Sex Abuse’.

by Anura Guruge
on February 7, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Link to original. Google for more.

Gossip is the greatest evil in the Catholic Church? This pope has become either senile, even more disingenuous or both.

How does clerical sex abuse compare against gossip?

Or is it that he hates it when clerics gossip about clerical sex abuse COVERUP by the likes of former popes!

I am sorry. This is beyond the pale. This pope has got too OLD — in every sense of the word. He has to go. We need a NEW pope.

What about the Catholic Church and ALL THE MURDERS at the Canadian ‘Residential Schools’? That is a lesser evil to gossip. Francis, I am sorry to say, is coming across as a moron.

Click to access one of my related posts.

I am NOT amused.

This pope, any pope, has to take some responsibility. Feel accountable.

I have said it before, I will say it again. Francis is to popes, what Trump was to U.S. presidents. He is by far the WORST pope in recent history. He was a mistake. A big mistake. He needs to go. He needs to go soon, like in this year.