Tag Archives: Gautama Buddha

Another Example Of Buddha’s Image Being Disrespected — But Buddhists Don’t Appear To Care.

by Anura Guruge
on September 30, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Today. On my walk. By a retired doctor! But, he probably doesn’t even realize.

Click to ENLARGE. Taken in January 2022, at the ‘Co-Op’ Supermarket in Hanover (‘Dartmouth’), New Hampshire.

Click to ENLARGE & study here. From an achieved post from 2016.

What I find intriguing is that Buddhists don’t object to such desecration in anyway. I find that amazing.

Yes, that folks think it is also OK to disrespect the image of the Buddha, especially his head, is another matter. BUT, if there was even SOME push-back some might think BETTER of making and/or buying these products.

Can you see the image of any other religious leader being disrespected in this manner.

What I saw today was a PLANTING POT!

The Buddha’s head being used as a planting pot!

Come on. That is NOT right.

I am NOT a Buddhist. I am NOT even religious. As some of you know, I am a Refined, Born-Again, Heathen. But, I respect those that are religious. I know a few Buddhists. That they don’t seem to CARE confounds I.

PLEASE, PLEASE do NOT tell me that Buddhists are pacifists. Please, don’t make me laugh. Look at the Buddhist instigated violence in Sri Lanka, Myanmar & Thailand.

Why Don’t Buddhists Object To Candles Made In The Likeness Of The Buddha’s Head?

by Anura Guruge
on January 5, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. Taken today, at the ‘Co-Op’ Supermarket in Hanover (‘Dartmouth’), New Hampshire.

Click to ENLARGE & study here. Click here for my post from 2016.

Forget the FAT guy on the left. Contrary to what YOU may think (or believe) he is NOT the Buddha. There is one thing we all know for sure, for sure, about the Buddha. He was EXTREMELY unlikely to be fat, let alone obese. For Christ’s sake this was a guy who fasted for years on end, forbid his (poor, long-suffering) monks from eating dinner & advocated moderation in all things. So, forget the FAT guy.

But, the serene heads to the right, with the curly hair is indubitably meant to be ‘Gautama’ Buddha — the last of the succession of (supposed) Buddhas.

The Buddha’s head as a CANDLE?

The Buddha’s head as a CANDLE that you burn. [Yes, there is deep symbolism there to do with the impermanence of things that the Buddha was very fond of preaching about, BUT this is taking that a bit too far?]

Why do folks think it is OK to disrespect the Buddha in such a manner?

This always confounds I.

I am NO LONGER a Buddhist. I have not been for 50-year! Yes, 50-years. I renounced Buddhism when I was 18. I am 68 now. Do the math.

I was brought up in fervently Buddhist family. I considered myself a Buddhist through-&-through. But, as I got older I started questioning reincarnation. By the time I was 18 I knew, for a fact, that I did NOT believe in reincarnation. Per the Buddhism I had been brought up in, IF you didn’t buy into reincarnation, you could NOT be a Buddhist. So, I quit been a Buddhist — & I am very glad I did so.

I became a heathen to begin with & over the years a REFORMED, BORN-AGAIN HEATHEN. So, I am not a Buddhist. But, I RESPECT all religions & it galls me to see the image of Buddha disrespcted.

Yes, the Buddha wouldn’t care. He can’t. He, by his own definition, no longer exists. He is GONE. Poof. Gone. Nothing. NADA.

He, by his own definition, is NOT a god; never was. So, he can’t object & to be fair he would find it funny. He had a fairly decent sense of humor. For one, he abandoned his first born, a son, the very day he was born.

What puzzles me is why Buddhists let this happen.

They can complain. AND PLEASE, PLEASE do NOT tell me that Buddhists are pacifists. Please, don’t make me laugh. Look at the Buddhist instigated violence in Sri Lanka, Myanmar & Thailand.

I have my own theory BUT I am NOT going to voice it here. SMILE.

These candles were in ‘Dartmouth’ — yes, as in the Hospital & College. Lot of smart people there. Hhhhmmm.

I will let you think about this.