Tag Archives: gale

Kudos & Thanks To ‘Eversource (New Hampshire)’ For Working Through The Night, In A Gale, To Restore Power.

by Anura Guruge
on March 12, 2022

I was AMAZED & extremely thankful to Eversource for this gallant effort — hence this post.

This was Monday night/Tuesday morning (i.e., March 7/8) of this week when we had that quite horrendous wind/rain storm. We were, in theory, outside of the high risk area. But, just after midnight, on Tuesday morning, the power went off.

It was blowing a gale outside. As they had warned us on TV you could feel it, you could hear it. It was pretty serious.

Losing power around midnight is not bad. You can just go to sleep & hope that power is restored in sometime in the morning, once they had enough sunlight to work with. Normally this wouldn’t have bothered me much. But, there was a HITCH this time. I was planning to leave, by 7am, to head for a quick/short mini-break to the Bold Coast (Maine). Not having power would delay my start. Bummer, BUT not the end of the world. I was resigned to delaying my start.

We called up Eversource about 30 minutes later. They already knew about the outage. They even knew that it was a tree down. They said that they were dispatching a crew and hoped to have the power restored by 6am. That sounded too good to be true.

It was night. It was dark. It was blowing a gale.

I was sure that the crew, as they used to do in the past, would wait for the winds to abate & for the sun to come up. I was thinking that best case would be around 8:30am.

I was wrong. Power was back up, without any flickering or brownouts, just after 5am.

I was AMAZED. I waited to see if it would go off again. It didn’t. It was solid.

I was delighted. I was grateful.

This was a NEW, a DIFFERENT Eversource. They had worked in the dark, in a gale to help us.

I am thankful. I am appreciative. Hence this post.


Blowing A Gale In Acadia (Video), Last Thursday, February 17, 2022 — 52F (11C), No Rain But A Brutal Wind.

by Anura Guruge
on February 20, 2022

YouTube video of the wind blasts below.

Interesting day at Acadia. Warm. Like a Spring day. No rain. Just a howling wind — more inland than at the coast.

I had been monitoring the weather, diligently. So, none of this came as a surprise. The 50F temps. were a joy.

I ended up hiking 16 miles (in total) that day. SMILE. Did all of my usuals: viz., Ocean Drive/Path, Jordan Pond, Eagle Lake, Duck Brook, Northeast Harbor, Ship Harbor, Bass Harbor etc.

The video above was at Eagle Lake. I don’t like shooting videos. Just not my thing. I am a photographer, not a videographer. But, I had to shoot this. Hope you like it. I sure had fun. Couple of times I wished (only half-heartedly) that I wasn’t as light as I am now. It would have helped if I was carrying 20 or 30 more pounds.