Tag Archives: funeral

February 3: Anniversary Of “Mahatma Gandhi’s” Funeral (1948) — The Day Before Ceylon Independence Day.

by Anura Guruge
on February 2, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE & view here. Click to access ‘Indian Express’ from the Google Newspaper archive.

Ceylon‘, now ‘Sri Lanka‘, Independence Day (from the British) was on February 4, 1948.

Ceylon’s Independence was overshadowed across the world by the GREAT MAN’s funeral. We as kids were never told this, & I only found out about it, accidently, well into my 50s. I was shocked.

To be honest, I wouldn’t have been able to tell you as to when he was tragically gunned down — though I have watched the outstanding ‘Gandhi’ movie (below) at least thrice.

It was on January 30, 1948.

The funeral was 4 days later on February 3. Ceylon Independence was the next day.

Since I found out, I can no longer think of Ceylon Independence WITHOUT connecting it with the Mahatma’s untimely passing.

Yes, he is ONE of my heroes. I admire him greatly and think of his sayings, often, especially about respecting the labors of others.

The ‘Camerlengo’ Has NO Role, Whatsoever, When It Comes To EX-POPE ‘Benedict XVI’.

by Anura Guruge
on December 30, 2022

Click to ENLARGE and read here. From my ‘Electing the Next Pope Book‘.

The U.K. ‘BBC’, who should no better, had an article yesterday where they were speculating on what role the Camerlengo will play when it comes to the passing of EX-POPE Benedict XVI.

The Camerlengo will NOT play ANY ROLE when it comes to the passing of Ex-Pope Benedict XVI.

The Camerlengo BETTER NOT play ANY ROLE when it comes to the passing of Ex-Pope Benedict XVI.


It is like being pregnant. You are either pregnant or you are NOT.

Not sure why folks have such a hard time grasping this notion.

Ex-Pope Benedict XVI is NOT pope.

It is like an Ex-President, e.g., Trump.

Ex-Pope Benedict XVI’s passing, when it happens, will be handled by a doctor. The Camerlengo better not even be in the building.

Got that. No Camerlengo.

EX-POPE ‘Benedict XVI’ Is NOT Pope, He Should NOT Get A Pope’s Funeral. PERIOD. He Is NOT Pope!

by Anura Guruge
on December 29, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Base image from ‘Wikipedia’.

Pope Francis had to have addressed this sad but thorny issue YEARS ago.

It is trickey & difficult BUT there is ONLY ONE TRUE & real answer.


It is like being pregnant. You are either pregnant or you are NOT.

Ditto a pope. You are either POPE or you are NOT. Yes, yes, yes, we had had 3 popes in parallel BUT they were NOT all popes.

IF Ratzinger wanted a full blown papal funeral he should NOT have abdicated.

He is NOT a pope.

You can’t give him a full, papal funeral. That would be a travesty.

As with a conclave there are some elaborate protocols to do with papal funerals including triple caskets, 9 days of official mourning (i.e., Novemdiales) etc. Ratzinger is not entitled to these. He is no longer a pope. He is an ex-pope.

He should get a funeral on par with a Cardinal Bishop.

Being Arrested For Heckling Disgraced ‘Andrew’ Is NOT British, NOT Cricket — Just Plain NOT RIGHT!

by Anura Guruge
on September 12, 2022

Click to ENLARGE and read here.
Click here for the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ article.

I, alas, am NOT that au fait with the details BUT we do (& I know that for a fact) still have a ‘Freedom of Expression RIGHT‘.

And, alas, we also have the catch-all ‘disturbing the peace’ — & in this case applied in connection with the ‘sacred’ ‘Royal Mile’.

But, I am sure it is NOT right. There will be an outcry (I hope) & there will be outrage.

We are a fiercely democratic nation; fiercely democratic people.

You should be able to expression your opinion. He didn’t say anything vulgar. Just an opinion.

I am distraught.

This is MY BRITAIN. Man, during my College days, IF this was the bar, I would still be in prison! I led a famous march through Swansea, with a poster of a topless Margaret Thatcher, sporting three boobs, with a caption ‘Margaret makes another boob‘. I was accompanied on the march by a police inspector. I thought he was a traffic warden. I called him as such. He never corrected me. He only said he would arrest me ‘if you or any of those behind you cause trouble‘. He didn’t define trouble. We were not arrested.

Come ON. This is Britain. Not Russia or Sri Lanka!

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