Tag Archives: fun facts

Anura’s ‘5 Fun Facts’ Of The Day.

by Anura Guruge
on January 12, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE.

1. In 1922, an asteroid discovered by the ‘Vienna Observatory’ (Austria) was named ‘932 Hooveria‘ in honor of ‘Herbert Hoover‘. Thus, he would become the first U.S. President to have an asteroid named after him (though this honor was bestowed when he was still the ‘Secretary of Commerce’ in recognition of his help to Austria during WW I). In 1938 he would have a second asteroid named after him.

2. The first PATENT for toilet rolls was granted in 1871 (in the U.S.).

3. Why U.S. Marines are called ‘leathernecks‘. When they were first formed they wore uniforms with high leather collars to protect their necks from sword attacks.

4. The first astronauts to shave in space were supposedly those on the ‘Apollo 10’ mission in 1969. Shaving ensured a tight seal for their space helmets. Those on Apollo 10 used a brushless shaving cream and a safety razor. But, it was discovered that the stubble they shaved off floated around in the weightless cabin. They had to develop special electric shavers to stop this from happening.

5. The first DAYLIGHT bank robbery in the U.S. was committed on February 14, 1866, Valentine’s Day, by Frank and Jesse James.

“Christmas — 175 Fun Facts” $8 Paperback Now Available On Amazon — YouTube VIDEO Preview.

by Anura Guruge
on November 10, 2023

Click image to access the YouTube video or use YouTube embed below.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Amazon listing.

Not much I can add. I told you about the $3 eBook a fews days ago. Now, as promised, the paperback is out. At $8on Amazon.

The video gives you a quick preview of what is in the book.

Here is another perspective — albeit just of the first few pages.

“Christmas — 175 Fun Facts” eBook Now Available At 14 Outlets Inc. Amazon, APPLE, B&N, ‘SmashWords’, ‘Rakuten’, etc. etc. — at $3.

by Anura Guruge
on October 29, 2023

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Amazon listing.

Working on paperback.

I see that none of you have BOUGHT a copy as yet. Thanks. With ‘friends’ like YOU! Smile.

If the $3 is a problem let me know. I will send you a free copy. OK?

Merry Christmas 2023. Just around the corner.

“Christmas — 175 Fun Facts” — $3 (Any PLATFORM) eBook by “Anura Guruge”.

by Anura Guruge
on October 25, 2023

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Amazon listing.

Here is what it says on the Amazon ‘pitch’:

Do YOU like Christmas? Do YOU know anyone who lives for Christmas (as does the author’s youngest daughter)? If YOU got this far, you must also qualify as being curious and/or a live wire. If so, YOU have to get this book. There is no point quibbling about this. This book, an unashamed glorification of all things  Christmas, will ENHANCE YOUR Christmas. Make it more fun and rewarding. This book is priced to be affordable. Less than a fancy cup of latte. It is a perfect stocking-stuffer. An ideal gift for those that relish the holiday. The ‘175’ in the title is an intentionally lowball figure. There are upwards of ‘200’ fun Christmas facts in this book. A lot of research has gone into this book. Even if YOU consider yourself an expert on Christmas, it is unlikely that you will know even 40% of what is in this book. {Smile. There can, however, always be one or two exceptions.}

This book the whole gamut when it comes to Christmas, whether it be trees, lights, cards, food, ornaments, Advent calendars, traditions, observances, or music. You will not be left asking for more. Please use Amazon’s FREE ‘Read Sample’ (or ‘Look Inside’) feature. Check the ‘Table of Contents’ for the 13-chapter headings. That alone should be enough to convince you that this is a book you have been waiting for (but never realized). It will make you see Christmas in a whole different light. This book would have made Ebenezer a believer without the ghosts. But, YOU are already a believer! Once you enjoyed this book, please put the author on your Christmas card list. He likes getting Christmas cards (and presents). {Smile.}

A sneak preview of just 15 of the ‘Fun Facts’ you will glean about all things Christmas from this book.

 1.  The record for the tallest fresh cut (i.e., natural) has not kept up with the times, i.e., it has not been broken in recent times.

 2.  The most sung Christmas song in the whole world has nothing whatsoever to do with Christmas!

 3.  ‘Xmas’ in no way takes ‘Christ’ out of ‘Christmas’ – if anything, it is actually very reverential.

 4.  The name of the much romanticized Christmas shrubbery is such that you might end up smirking every time you see someone holding forth under one.

 5.  How Christmas in a very affluent and well-educated country – a world power – revolves around a U.S. fast-food chain.

 6.  The name for a group of Santas is very far from what you would expect – and is definitely not a gaggle, bevy, sackful, or flock.

 7.  The U.S. President who forgot to order a Christmas tree for the White House, and how they still managed to get around it because one of his young sons had secretly smuggled in a small ‘Charlie Brown Christmas tree’ for his own room (and this was way before there was a ‘Charlie Brown’ or his infamous tree).

 8.  Hung meat, known as hangikjöt, is a much beloved Christmas delicacy in Iceland. You are likely to turn up your nose when you find out what gives it its unique, tangy taste.

 9.  The only 3% Christian Asian country that holds the world record for the largest congregation of Santas in one place.

10.  The countries where celebrating Christmas is unlawful.

11.  The misnomers and misunderstandings when it comes to some popular Christmas pies and puddings.

12.  Why chocolate Advent calendars are contrary to the original intentions of Advent.

13.  The celestial inspiration behind lit Christmas trees, and the unexpected person who gets the credit.

14.  You know who can see through the fog, but who helps Santa when he has to negotiate Italy’s rocky mountains?

15.  That the chapters in Charles Dickens’ runaway classic ‘A Christmas Carol’ were not called ‘chapters’ because he wanted the book to be like a carol.

This is only a foretaste to pique your curiosity. This book has at least 185 morefun facts’. So, don’t dally. Start tucking in. Enjoy.

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