Tag Archives: Fuji

‘Tamron’ 18-300mm Superzoom Lens On My New Fujifilm ‘X-S20’ Mirrorless Camera.

by Anura Guruge
on July 5, 2023

Click images to ENLARGE.

My Fuji X-S20 with XF 18-55mm kit lens.

One of the first pictures with the Tamron.
ALL the pictures here have been DOWNSAMPLED to make them SMALLER.

Full, AWESOME reach of this lens.
18mm at left — 300mm at right
standing in the same place.

A Tamron 28-300mm on my FULL FRAME Canon EOS RP in 2019.

I bought the new 26MP, mirrorless APS-C ‘Fujifilm’ ‘X-S20’ for this ‘Tamron’ ’18-300mm’ lens!

In my old age, with all the experience I have had with cameras, I now, finally, know what works for I & what I want.

I like & NEED the range of superzooms — even more so than ever before because my ‘Google’ ‘Pixel‘ phones give me insane ZOOMING capabilities; e.g., 20x on my current ‘Pixel 7 Pro‘.

This Tamron will be on my X-S20 MOST of the time! That was the case 2019-2020 when I had its full-frame equivalent on my ‘Canon’ ‘EOS’.

The only downside to this lens is its size & weight — BUT for its reach, it does very well. However, this lens is a tad too heavy for comfort on a long, arduous hike. That will be the only time I will switch it out for a smaller, lighter lens.

I like Tamron lenses. This works for I — & that is all that matters.

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I Got Myself A REAL Camera After A 3.25-Year Gap — The New Fujifilm ‘X-S20’ Mirrorless.

by Anura Guruge
on July 5, 2023

Click images to ENLARGE.

My Fuji X-S20 with XF 18-55mm kit lens.

Very first pictures. ALL the pictures here have been DOWNSAMPLED to make them SMALLER.

Bokeh & Selective Focus. WOW.

Click to access the ‘Cardinal Camera’ listing.

I was getting fed up of people asking me what kind of camera I used. Plus, I wanted one for shooting events, especially concerts, with a superzoom.

I had been THINKING about it for 9 months or so! I am now too old to rush in.

To be honest I did have two other cameras, a ‘Panasonic ZS80’ & a ‘Panasonic ZS200’, BUT I NEVER USED them. Finally, about 6 months ago I sold them both ‘online’. Hence, the ‘REAL’ in the title. I didn’t consider the Panasonics real! They were toy cameras.

Yes, this, unlike my last REAL camera, a ‘Canon EOS RP‘, is NOT full-frame. But, I didn’t want full-frame!

My needs & preferences have changed DRASTICALLY.

My Google Pixel Phones, currently the Pixel 7 Pro, will continue to be MY MAIN ‘cameras’ as they have been for the last 3 years.

The Fuji is just for special occasions. I plan to go days, weeks & during the winter, MONTHS, without using it.

So, I am NOT going crazy. Got the kit lens + one SuperZoom. I will tell you about that later.

I will at most get 3 other CHEAP lenses — all PRIMES I think because I already have two zooms that cover a huge reach.

As with the last 4 cameras I bought (& 5 altogether) I bought the camera kit & superzoom lens from ‘Cardinal Camera‘ (rather than Amazon)! That says something as most of you know that I do 95% of my shopping on Amazon (given that I do own a fair amount of Amazon shares).

But, I LIKE CARDINAL CAMERA — ‘Kurt Seelig‘ (the owner) & ‘Scott Lui‘, Kurt’s main man. Scott, who I have dealt with before, takes good care of I. I am happy. More on Cardinal Camera in future posts.

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