Tag Archives: fuel train

Two Elephants Killed In Sri Lanka By A Train. Damn SHAME!

by Anura Guruge
on October 19, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘Google News‘ just NOW. {See timestamps.}

Yes, as ever I heard about this on ‘BBC News‘. I, of course, then went looking on Google & as it happened also saw a very callous — albeit very Sri Lankan — post on Facebook. This self-centered ignoramus was only concerned about the disruption to the bloody train service & the lost fuel. Not a word about the poor elephants. He is probably a Buddhist. So materialistic. No regard, respect or kindness to animals — not even to the noble elephant. I really despair.

Yes, this was an accident — and accidents occur. That they supposedly started an investigation is good to know. Way back I had an uncle who was an Inspector for trains. Yes, I was adopted by a family that was very much into trains … But, that is a different story.

Not sure if this could have been avoided. The driver says all he could do was apply the brakes. But, was he going to fast? Should he have used his whistle more often? True, this was very late at night.

I don’t know. But deaths of elephants distress I.

So, just letting you know.