Tag Archives: Friday

So GLAD Everyone Was Cool About TODAY’s Friday The 13th — Doesn’t Count In September, ONLY Those In October (Like Last Year).

by Anura Guruge
on Friday, September 13, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia link.

Friday the 13th is ONLY significant IF IT falls in October.

Let me, please, repeat that again:
Only Friday the 13th that fall in October count!

So, a September Friday the 13th, like today, is meaningless.

Period. Full stop. 

Full moon, Christmas or whatever has nothing to do with it. Period.

The superstition has to do with the dissolution
of the Knights Templar.
That happened on Friday, October 13, 1307.

So, Friday the 13th occuring in January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November or December doesn’t count. Just another day.

Has to fall in October.

Repeat, today’s Friday the 13th is inconsequential.

On average we get a Friday the 13th every 212 days.

So, we invariably get one at least ONCE a year, sometimes as many as 3 (yes, THREE) — as we did in 2015.

Next October, Friday the 13th will be in

Yes, Friday, October 13th, 2028.

That is worth taking note of. OK? Are we cool? Got this.

Click to ENLARGE. Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay being led to the fire (thought that was NOT on a Friday the 13th.

Some Additional Comments

The ’13’ really has nothing to do with the supposed thirteen attendees at the ‘Last Supper’ — particularly since there is no consensus, at all (at all), that the ‘Last Supper’ took place on a Friday — that traditionally been the date of the Crucifixion, hence ‘Good Friday‘ at Easter.

The superstition about Fridays the 13th being unlucky really has its roots in Friday, October 13, 1307, when, with the blessing of the French PopeClement V, the French King, Philip IV, who was heavily in fiscal debt to the Templar’s (the original international bankers), had most of the Templars in France arrested.

It was a bad day for the Templars — and was really the first major financial crisis in world history.

Hence why people were afraid of Fridays the 13th. They didn’t want a repeat of what happened to the (far from) ‘poor’ Templars.

This fact tends to be forgotten.

Friday the 13th in October happens per a 5 to 6 year cycle with occasional 11-year gaps.

We just had one of those. So, the last 13th in October was 11-years ago, 2006. The next one is 6-years from now.

At 69 I have only lived through 9 ‘Friday the 13th in October‘.

Friday, October 13, 2023 will be my 10th.

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Friday The 13th, October 2023, i.e., TODAY, Is THE REAL DEAL — Only ‘Friday 13th’ That Counts.

by Anura Guruge
on Friday, October 13, 2023

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Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia link.

Friday the 13th is ONLY significant IF IT falls in October.

Let me, please, repeat that again:
Only Friday the 13th that fall in October count!

Period. Full stop. 

Full moon, Christmas or whatever has nothing to do with it. Period.

The superstition has to do with the dissolution
of the Knights Templar.
That happened on Friday, October 13, 1307.

So, Friday the 13th occuring in January (as in 2023), February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November or December doesn’t count. Just another day.

Has to fall in October.

Repeat, today’s Friday the 13th is inconsequential.

On average we get a Friday the 13th every 212 days.

So, we invariably get one at least ONCE a year, sometimes as many as 3 (yes, THREE) — as we did in 2015.

But this year, i.e., 2023, we will have a Friday the 13th in October.

Yes, October 13th, 2023.

That is worth taking note of. OK? Are we cool? Got this.

Click to ENLARGE. Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay being led to the fire (thought that was NOT on a Friday the 13th.

Some Additional Comments

The ’13’ really has nothing to do with the supposed thirteen attendees at the ‘Last Supper’ — particularly since there is no consensus, at all (at all), that the ‘Last Supper’ took place on a Friday — that traditionally been the date of the Crucifixion, hence ‘Good Friday‘ at Easter.

The superstition about Fridays the 13th being unlucky really has its roots in Friday, October 13, 1307, when, with the blessing of the French PopeClement V, the French King, Philip IV, who was heavily in fiscal debt to the Templar’s (the original international bankers), had most of the Templars in France arrested.

It was a bad day for the Templars — and was really the first major financial crisis in world history.

Hence why people were afraid of Fridays the 13th. They didn’t want a repeat of what happened to the (far from) ‘poor’ Templars.

This fact tends to be forgotten.

Friday the 13th in October happens per a 5 to 6 year cycle with occasional 11-year gaps.

We just had one of those. So, the last 13th in October was 11-years ago, 2006. The next one is 6-years from now.

At 69 I have only lived through 9 ‘Friday the 13th in October‘.

Friday, October 13, 2023 will be my 10th.

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Why The March 2023 ‘Jobs Report’ Is NOT Tomorrow, 1st Friday Of March, BUT March 10, The 2nd Friday.

by Anura Guruge
on March 2, 2023

Click image to access excellent ‘forexlive.com‘ post that explains it all.

Yes, I thought the ‘jobs report’, i.e., the ‘non-farm payrolls’ to be precise, came out on the first Friday of each new month. I was WRONG.

I am not shocked, upset or embarrassed because until a year ago, when the Feds started hiking up interests in anger to fight the brutal inflation, I didn’t pay much attention to ‘CPI’ or the ‘jobs number’. We hadn’t had any interest rates hikes in years. I was not concerned. But, these days I am hugely interested — & of course, one way or another INVESTED — in Fed interest rates & what will happen to them. So, I eagerly await, each month CPI, jobs numbers, Fed Minutes, Fed statement etc. etc.

So, I was waiting to see the jobs number tomorrow.

Then, to my amazement, I heard on ‘CNBC‘ this morning that it will be NEXT Friday, March 10. I thought it was mistake. Then I heard it again. Then I Googled to make sure. Wow. It is next Friday, March 10, rather than tomorrow, March 3.

I, of course, had to know WHY? Come on. Cats have nothing on me when it comes to curiosity. That is how I found the above article. Glad I did. Check it out.

According to it: ” … Bureau of Labor Statistics releases non-farm payrolls on the fourth Friday following the week containing the 12th of a given month …“. Wow. Who knew.

While I was at it, I checked when we get the March CPI — Tuesday, March 14, 2023, at 8.30 am (Eastern).

Friday The 13th, As Is TODAY, Does NOT Count; ONLY Applicable In October — & It Does Happen Oct. 2023!

by Anura Guruge
on Friday, January 13, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE.
Click to ENLARGE and read here. Wikipedia link.

Friday the 13th is ONLY significant IF IT falls in October.

Let me, please, repeat that again:
Only Friday the 13th that fall in October count!

Period. Full stop. 

Full moon, Christmas or whatever has nothing to do with it. Period.

The superstition has to do with the dissolution
of the Knights Templar.
That happened on Friday, October 13, 1307.

So, Friday the 13th occuring in January (as in 2023), February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, November or December doesn’t count. Just another day.

Has to fall in October.

Repeat, today’s Friday the 13th is inconsequential.

On average we get a Friday the 13th every 212 days.

So, we invariably get one at least ONCE a year, sometimes as many as 3 (yes, THREE) — as we did in 2015.

But this year, i.e., 2023, we will have a Friday the 13th in October.

Yes, October 13th, 2023.

That is worth taking note of. OK? Are we cool? Got this.

Click to ENLARGE. Templar Grand Master Jacques de Molay being led to the fire (thought that was NOT on a Friday the 13th.

Some Additional Comments

The ’13’ really has nothing to do with the supposed thirteen attendees at the ‘Last Supper’ — particularly since there is no consensus, at all (at all), that the ‘Last Supper’ took place on a Friday — that traditionally been the date of the Crucifixion, hence ‘Good Friday‘ at Easter.

The superstition about Fridays the 13th being unlucky really has its roots in Friday, October 13, 1307, when, with the blessing of the French PopeClement V, the French King, Philip IV, who was heavily in fiscal debt to the Templar’s (the original international bankers), had most of the Templars in France arrested.

It was a bad day for the Templars — and was really the first major financial crisis in world history.

Hence why people were afraid of Fridays the 13th. They didn’t want a repeat of what happened to the (far from) ‘poor’ Templars.

This fact tends to be forgotten.

Friday the 13th in October happens per a 5 to 6 year cycle with occasional 11-year gaps.

We just had one of those. So, the last 13th in October was 11-years ago, 2006. The next one is 6-years from now.

At 69 I have only lived through 9 ‘Friday the 13th in October‘.

Friday, October 13, 2023 will be my 10th.

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Google (GOOG) Stock Split Is DONE. Stock Will Open Monday $112.77. Stock Down $502 Since Split Announced!

by Anura Guruge
on July 15, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. Underlying chart (as ever) from ‘marketwatch.com‘.

GOOG 2022 Stock Split Calendar — Split Date Was Today, July 15.

Click to ENLARGE

So, it has finally happened, 5 months & 2 weeks (164 days) after the announcement, GOOG has at last split — 20-to-1. The split is taking place, across computers around the world, even as I type. Tomorrow morning the new split shares will be in accounts (IF you are lucky enough to have owned GOOG). [Yes, I have owned GOOG, though alas not that many, for many, many years.]

That GOOG went down $502 (18.2%) between the February 1, 2022 and today’s split is hard to believe. Many thought that GOOG will go up as the split approach — as had been the case with previous splits of popular shares. But, alas, this is 2022 with its horrendous (once in 40-year) inflation & the consequent interest rate hikes.

Amazon (AMZN), the other, BIG stop slit of 2022 (to-date), also saw its share price plummeting ahead of the split. It hasn’t done that well after the split either. Even today, nearly 6 weeks AFTER the split, AMZN is BELOW, well BELOW, the split price! This has some GOOG shareholders worried — as they should. To be honest, I am NOT that concerned. At my advanced age, with over 40 years stock investing in the rearview mirror, I understand that the market goes up & down & that it will eventually start rising after a fall & vice versa. Plus, my big thing is OPTION TRADING — actually that is an addiction. Now with this 20-to-1 stock split I will finally be able to do option trades on GOOG. WOW. Yes, I never had 100 shares of GOOG. But, I will after tomorrow. Actually I will have more than 200 … {SMILE} As some of you know, my BIG share holding is in AMZN & I have no regrets. {SMILE}

So, here is to the GOOG 2022 20-to-1 SPLIT. Cheers. Keep your fingers crossed. It will start going up someday — & then it will go up, quite a bit, for some time. That is a given.

Google (GOOG) 2022 Stock Split Dates — July 1, 15 & 18.

by Anura Guruge
on May 19, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE

Amazon 2022 stock-split dates for comparison.

Click to ENLARGE.

June 1: The Google 2022 Annual Meeting where the VOTE the 20-to-1 stock split will be held.

Everyone is ASSUMING that this will go through. [Though I do own GOOG shares (and have for many years), I don’t own enough to bother voting. NOT SO when it comes to Amazon. Yes, I own much more AMZN than I do GOOG. SMILE.]

With the share price now hovering around $2,000 — over $800 down from when the split was announced — there is a (small) possibility that the vote might not go through! But, if that happens the stock price will now go down a further $250. So, I am fairly sure the 20-to-1 split will go through.

July: If the vote goes through, Friday, July 1, will be the NOMINAL EX-DIVIDEND (i.e., EX-SPLIT) date. It means diddly. Repeat. It means DIDDLY.

But, brokerages will claim that you need to own GOOG on July 1 in order to get the SPLIT. That is garbage. If you buy GOOG on July 3 what are the brokerages (& for that matter Google) going to do? Tell you own a special class of OLD, unsplit shares!

There is NO EX-SPLIT DAY. You can continue buying GOOG till the actual SPLIT DATE.

July 15: GOOG will split, 20-to-1, AFTER trading on this Friday. You will see the SPLIT shares on Saturday July 16.

July 18: The NEW split shares will start trading.

Got that. All depends on the vote going through.

They MIGHT delay these dates by a week or more. They have to happen on a Friday.

There is NO EX-SPLIT day — until the day the split happens. SMILE. [I have exploited this, & might do so again. Did so with TSLA. Bought AFTER the EX-SPLIT date when the prices dropped. SMILE.]

The Amazon (AMZN) 2022 stock split is taking place on a much more expedited (aggressive basis).

Google announced their 20-to-1 split in February 2022 — nearly a month ahead of Amazon. However, Amazon’s split will take place earlier.

You can also see that Amazon’s split is scheduled to take place RIGHT after the Annual Meeting. I will confess I was surprised to see that. Yes, it is all electronic now. So, it can be done quickly.

On the other hand Google is waiting a month after the Annual Meeting for the split. Yes, that will give time for folks to go ‘crazy’ about the stock.

But, now you have the dates & both calendars — for AMZN & GOOG.

Amazon (AMZN) 2022 Stock Split Dates — May 27, June 3 & June 6.

by Anura Guruge
on May 19, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE.

May 25: The Amazon 2022 Annual Meeting where the VOTE the 20-to-1 stock split will be held.

Everyone is ASSUMING that this will go through. I have already voted ‘YES’. (SMILE).

With the share price now hovering around $2,000 — over $1,300 down from when the split was announced — there is a (small) possibility that the vote might not go through! But, if that happens the stock price will now go down a further $300. So, I am fairly sure the 20-to-1 split will go through.

May 27: If the vote goes through, that Friday, May 27, will be the NOMINAL EX-DIVIDEND (i.e., EX-SPLIT) date. It means diddly. Repeat. It means DIDDLY.

But, brokerages will claim that you need to own AMZN on May 27 in order to get the SPLIT. That is garbage. If you buy AMZN on June 1 what are the brokerages (& for that matter Amazon) going to do? Tell you own a special class of OLD, unsplit shares!

There is NO EX-SPLIT DAY. You can continue buying AMZN till the actual SPLIT DATE.

June 3: AMZN will split, 20-to-1, AFTER trading on this Friday. You will see the SPLIT shares on Saturday June 4.

June 6: The NEW split shares will start trading.

Got that. All depends on the vote going through.

They MIGHT delay these dates by a week or more. They have to happen on a Friday.

There is NO EX-SPLIT day — until the day the split happens. SMILE. [I have exploited this, & might do so again. Did so with TSLA. Bought AFTER the EX-SPLIT date when the prices dropped. SMILE.]

Click image to access this May 22, 2022 post.

Friday The 13th, August 2021 Does NOT Count; Not Relevant — It Only Counts In October.

by Anura Guruge
on August 12, 2021

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click image to ENLARGE.

Friday the 13th is ONLY significant IF IT falls in October. Period. End of discussion.

Friday the 13th in any other month, like tomorrow’s August 13, 2021, has no bearing, no significance. Just another day.

Click on the link above. I have explained this so, so, so many times.

PLEASE, please. Friday the 13th only has bearing IF it falls in October. OK? Thanks.

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