Tag Archives: Freedom of Information Act

I Filed A ‘Freedom of Information Act’ Request To Find Out How Big The ‘Schoodic’ Part Of ‘Acadia’ Is, Post-2015 Land Donation.

by Anura Guruge
on June 22, 2024

Click to ENLARGE.

Trust me, I did NOT do this lightly & I offered to pay (albeit just $25).

I just could not find/think of any other way.

I have been, for the last 2 weeks, trying to get the answer to this one question. How big is the Schoodic portion of Acadia National Park following what was a rather large, anonymous land donation in 2015.

Online they say Schoodic is 2,366 acres. That just does NOT ring true to I.

Schoodic was 2,000 acres in 1922. More land has been added to it & then there was this major land donation in 2015. I think Schoodic is now around 3,200 acres.

But, I can’t anyone to confirm or contradict this.

I visited THREE Visitor Centers during my last visit to Acadia (mid-June). They did NOT know.

I have e-mailed them thrice. Nada.

So, I filed this request. From what I know they are bound, by law, to respond. Yes, it costs money — & though I am a good taxpayer I offered to pay (& told them that I am always glad to help out the ‘Park Service’).

Not sure how long it will take. I assume there must be time limits.

I will, of course, share whatever I find. That is a given. SMILE.