Tag Archives: Free Will

I Wish God Would Cut His Pope Some Slack; A Wheelchair Bound Pope Isn’t Uplifting.

by Anura Guruge
on May 7, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Sky News‘ — link.

Over the millenia God has had way too much fun at the expense of his popes. Yes, some deserved it, BUT then again it begs the question why HE let them be pope in the first place (given the entrenched belief that the Holy Spirit sure plays a pivotal role in papal elections).

I feel bad for the pope — & I will refrain from calling him ‘poor’ because he is not poor. He does not, at least in the above picture, look happy.

Of course, the pope himself, God is omnipotent. He supposedly could have, IF HE WANTED, stopped COVID in its tracks. This pope prayed ardently for that. God did NOT listen to the pope. The pope has prayed, I have lost count of the times, for peace — NOT just in Ukraine. God has ignored him. Now this.

Yes, I know that Pope Francis relinquished his title of being ‘The Vicar of Christ‘. Maybe this is God’s way of chiding him for it.

Yes. Yes. YES. I know. ‘Free Will‘. God does not ‘micro-manage‘ etc. etc. I get all of that … & in a sense I am glad. But, but, this is what then confuses I. Why are we THEN praying to God to intervene? I am SORRY. We can’t have it both ways. We can’t eat the cake & keep it too. Why is this pope constantly praying to God. God could make him stand just by raising his eyebrow. But, it appears he can’t be bothered. Hhhhmm.

I could, of course, be wrong. I don’t think it is a good look for a pope. Yes, I know that we have millions that are wheelchair bound & having a pope in one gives them home. OK. Maybe that is it. But, wouldn’t it be SO, SO, SO GREAT if God made everyone, including the pope, rise from their wheelchairs. Now, that would be quite the miracle. If he did that, he could have me. Not until then. Sorry.

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I Have Always Been In Awe Of God’s Exquisite Sense Of Humor.

by Anura Guruge
on October 18, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

Yes. Yes. YES. I know. ‘Free Will‘. God does not ‘micro-manage‘ etc. etc. I get all of that … & in a sense I am glad.

But, but, this is what then confuses I. Why are we THEN praying to God to intervene? I am SORRY. We can’t have it both ways. We can’t eat the cake & keep it too.

Click image to access ‘CBN‘ original. Google for more, much more.

If God gave us ‘Free Will’ & will not micro-manage, why are we bothering him with prayer? We are asking him to intervene — to micro-manage, override our Free Will.

I am just sharing with YOU where I stand.

There is one thing that I know for certain. I just LOVE — just LOVE — God’s sense of humor.

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