Tag Archives: former

The Video Of ‘Ex-Pope Benedict XVI (95)’ Meeting The Newly Created Cardinals Is NOT (Alas) A Pretty Picture.

by Anura Guruge
on September 1, 2022

Click image to access YouTube video.

Yikes! I did NOT like this video at all, at all.

Former Pope Benedict XVI does NOT look well. He also looks totally ‘disoriented’ & at a loss. Yes, I know he is old, BUT I, for one, would rather NOT remember him as such. He, as was very plain (& even by his admissions in his youth), was very vain & put such emphasis on his appearance. Oh, Dear! I feel bad for him.

[Just a few days ago I watched the excellent movie ‘Parkland‘ which deals with President JFK’s assignation & what happened over the next 3 days. In is is a very powerful scene of ‘Abraham Zapruder‘ reluctantly selling the FAMOUS ‘Zapruder film‘ to ‘Life’ magazine. Zapruder insists that the ‘kill shot’ (as it is referred) not be published. He begs that JFK was such a DIGNIFIED man & publishing ‘the shot’ would ROB him of that dignity. SEE VIDEO clip below.] I feel the same way about this video (stunt). It robs the former pope of what was his former dignity.]


I do NOT think this was a good publicity move. Images from this meeting should NOT have been made public. I wonder IF Ex-Pope Benedict XVI full appreciates that they were. He truly & utterly looks lost.

Let me make a few pithy points:

1) It is good that he resigned when he did (though it was a tad premature). It is unlikely he could have been pope in this frail state. [It is interesting that My Queen is 96 but appears to be in better shape.]

2) Francis appears to be trying hard to emulate GOOD POPE John XXIII when it comes to size. WOW. He has put on weight. Wonder if anyone has told him that he could helps his knees if he lost 100 pounds!

3) I did NOT think that this was in anyway inspirational. Kind of explains why Catholicism is in dire straights in Europe. What kind of image is this for YOUNG folks. A Church led by old men.

4) I will REFRAIN from making any comments about Georg Gänswein (the ‘person’ standing behind the former pope).

OK. That is enough. I wish this had NOT come up as a SUGGESTION for viewing by YouTube. That is the only reason I saw it. I was NOT looking for it.

Oh. One BIG ‘P.S.’

Who is ‘Benedict XVI’ that ‘EWTN’ refers to? Is ‘EWTN’ that STUPID? There is NO Benedict XVI. There is a FORMER Benedict XVI. He sure is NOT Benedict XVI now. If he was, then Francis would be an ANTI-POPE. Is that what EWTN is trying to suggest? Maybe they are. In that case that is very CUTE & clever.