Tag Archives: five fun facts

Anura’s ‘5 Fun Facts’ Of The Day.

by Anura Guruge
on January 12, 2024

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1. In 1922, an asteroid discovered by the ‘Vienna Observatory’ (Austria) was named ‘932 Hooveria‘ in honor of ‘Herbert Hoover‘. Thus, he would become the first U.S. President to have an asteroid named after him (though this honor was bestowed when he was still the ‘Secretary of Commerce’ in recognition of his help to Austria during WW I). In 1938 he would have a second asteroid named after him.

2. The first PATENT for toilet rolls was granted in 1871 (in the U.S.).

3. Why U.S. Marines are called ‘leathernecks‘. When they were first formed they wore uniforms with high leather collars to protect their necks from sword attacks.

4. The first astronauts to shave in space were supposedly those on the ‘Apollo 10’ mission in 1969. Shaving ensured a tight seal for their space helmets. Those on Apollo 10 used a brushless shaving cream and a safety razor. But, it was discovered that the stubble they shaved off floated around in the weightless cabin. They had to develop special electric shavers to stop this from happening.

5. The first DAYLIGHT bank robbery in the U.S. was committed on February 14, 1866, Valentine’s Day, by Frank and Jesse James.