Tag Archives: first lady slippers

The 2023 ‘Lady Slippers’ In Central New Hampshire — At Their Luscious Peak.

by Anura Guruge
on May 19, 2023

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This was this morning, i.e., May 19, 2023. 4 days after they first tuned pink. Quite the sight. There are about 10 in bloom on this bank. I just snapped these two. Enjoy.

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2023 ‘Lady Slippers’ In Central New Hampshire — Are Now PINK & As Such, Officially, In Full-Bloom.

by Anura Guruge
on May 15, 2023

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This was this morning, i.e., May 15, 2023. Just a day earlier than last year — though 24 hours really is neither here nor there in such matters. What is key is that we have them, AGAIN, this year. The plant survived the winter & we had some brutally cold says this last winter.

We have a cluster of plants on this one bank. These are the only ones that are genuinely pink. The others are still a tad green. These, from what I can tell, get most of the sun.

Well, I will take a few more photos in the days & weeks to come. Enjoy.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

2023 ‘Lady Slippers’ In Central New Hampshire — Flowers Have Bloomed BUT Still GREEN.

by Anura Guruge
on May 12, 2023

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I took these pictures around midnight Friday, May 12, 2023. I happened to be walking past (on my nightly midnight walk) & I often like to take pictures of ‘lady slippers‘ at night because they kind of ‘pop’ in a different way (i.e., light).

So, that is where we are. Basically on schedule. Maybe a FEW days late, but a ‘few days’ is nothing in the scheme of nature’s cycles. Everything looks good.

I will keep you posted.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

2023 ‘Lady Slippers’ In Central New Hampshire — Pre-Bloom, Still Green.

by Anura Guruge
on May 7, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

Right on schedule (& for that I am glad). I checked my first 2022 Lady Slipper post (which near identical images). It was on May 5, 2022. So, we are within 2 days. To be fair & honest, today was the first time I went looking. They could very well have been just like that on May 5, 2023, as well. No matter. What counts is that they are sprouting, appear to be very healthy & we have roughly the same amount as we get every year. ALL GOOD. Rejoice.

There is a tall bank along our road in Alton where we have got Lady Slippers on an annual basis for the last few years. Since, I photograph them, yearly, I know where they will pop up.

Starting today I will visit the bank more often, hopefully daily.

Rest assured, you will see the pictures as soon as they bloom. Promise. I love seeing the plump pink flowers. Very sensual. I will share. Have I ever let you down? SMILE.

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com