Tag Archives: first foliage

Fall Foliage, In Central New Hampshire, Sept. 13 — Not That Much.

by Anura Guruge
on September 13, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

I was expecting MORE. We have had some very cold nights — into the low 40sF. That is said to be the trigger for the colors changing. Cold nights.

I think the week or so of cold nights we had, around last week, were atypical.

I saw the first fall colors of 2024 exactly a month ago. So it is not unreasonable to have expected more color.

I did see a map, online, that said peak for central NH was mid-Oct. I am kind of surprised.

I will, of course, as I do every year, keep you updated & posted.

FIRST Fall Foliage Color Of 2024 — In Central New Hampshire (August 13).

by Anura Guruge
on August 13, 2022

Click images to ENLARGE.

August 13, 2024. Same tree as in 2022!

2023 first fall color — August 4!

That was early.

2022 first fall color — August 22.

NOT as early as last year (i.e., 2023) when I saw first color on August 4.

Kind of mid-August.

Temps fell into the mid-50s (F) last night. We have had 3 to 4 cool nights. So, it is time. It is due.

I will, as of now, be on the lookout and get some pictures.

Fall is here. Summer, alas, is HISTORY.

More 2023 Foliage Color In Central New Hampshire — A Tad Early Given It Isn’t Even Mid-August.

by Anura Guruge
on August 8, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

August 8, 2023
August 4, 2023

I saw the FIRST Fall Colors of 2023 a few days ago — on August 4th.

The above montage of 4 photos is from August 8, 2023.

We have had about a week of COLD nights, i.e., temps. falling into the 50s. Plus we have also had a fair amount of rain.

Those cold nights will do it. A tad early. But this sure has been a CRAZY Summer. Extreme heat, huge amount of rain & now cold nights early on in August.

FIRST Fall Foliage Color Of 2023 — In Central New Hampshire.

by Anura Guruge
on August 4, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Last year’s first fall color — but 18 days LATER.

Just into August — August 4. Caught me off-guard. I was not expecting this.

But, I should NOT have been surprised. If anything, IF I had given it any thought, I should have been looking for it. We had three nights, in a row, that were atypically cool — maybe even cold. I know, I had to wear my winter night gear & use two blankets (rather than the one). Yes, in my old age, I really feel the cold.

I know we can start getting foliage color, in central New Hampshire, in August. So this is not huge news per se. All I am willing to say is that it seems a tad early.

New Hampshire’s FIRST 2022 Unmistakable Fall Foliage.

by Anura Guruge
on August 22, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

To be honest the colors have been out for a few days. I saw some definite color, at ‘The Castle‘, this Saturday. I was going to take a picture but was distracted.

I made sure I captured these this morning.

Nothing unusual about having fall color this late in August!

We can start seeing some color in mid-July — as we did last year (as proven by this photo).

Though we are in another heatwave the temps plummet at night — down to the 50Fs. That will kick in color. So, a heads up.

I will, of course, per my wont, keep you posted on New Hampshire’s Fall Foliage. That is my DUTY. SMILE.

New Hampshire’s FIRST 2021 Fall Foliage

by Anura Guruge
on July 18, 2021

Took this picture Sunday morning, July 18, 2021.

It is on our road (i.e., ‘Prospect Mountain‘). I had first noticed it a few days ago. I waited for the color to mature.

Well, the nights have been sure cold enough. This, i.e., 1st foliage in mid-July, is not that unusual.

But, now I have put the marker down. Drawn the line in the sand.