Tag Archives: financial advisor

‘French & Indian Encampment Weekend’, ‘Fort McClary’, Maine — June 17 – 18, 2023.

by Anura Guruge
on June 21, 2023

Click images to ENLARGE.

It was totally serendipitous. We went to ‘Fort McClary‘, one of our frequent ‘not-too-far‘, destinations for “Father’s Day” (this last Sunday).

We saw the sign even as we were driving to park. I was excited & I had good reason to be. I HAD A BALL. My kind of people. Great. Great. Great — even the French! {Smile}

They were super friendly & informative. I learnt, to my delight, that clogs were NOT restricted to the Dutch. Fancy that. All my time in Europe & I never knew that. I even learnt that they are called ‘Sabot’ in French & that is how we get the word ‘sabotage’! During the Industrial Revolution displaced, disgruntled peasants threw sabots at the machinery hoping to clog them up. Sabotage! Neat.

The couple playing the fife & drum were excellent.

I really enjoyed interacting with them. Quite the Father’s Day present. Thank YOU.

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My Daughter’s College Fund Is ONLY Up 525% In 8-Years; I Hope YOUR Financial Advisor Is Doing BETTER.

by Anura Guruge
on June 19, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

It is NOT great BUT at least we have made a BIT of money. Always, BUT always, better than losing money.

I set this fund up for her, at ‘Fidelity‘, in 2015 when she was 9. After scrimping & saving I was able to give her (a mere) $13,500.

I was too poor then (& I still am) to hire a Financial Advisor. Plus they charge …. WOW_wee. Paying those kind of commissions, fees, etc. etc. etc. are FINE when you are rich. But, rich is only a word I read about.

I had NO idea as to what I was doing.

All I knew was that I would ONLY invest in things I KNEW & maybe used.

In 2006, a then 80(+) year old neighbor told me to buy AT LEAST 1 share of ‘Apple‘ (AAPL). I bought a ‘couple’. I had done OK with them by 2015. So, I bought some for my daughter.

I do 95% of my shopping on ‘Amazon‘. I had bought a ‘few’ AMZN shares in 2012 & was doing OK. So, I bought her a few.

‘Google’, ‘Microsoft’ & ‘Netflix‘ were no brainers. We used them. So, I bought her a few.

I have been in computers since 1969. I know a few things about computers. I was aware of ‘Nvidia’ (NVDA) & ‘BroadCom’ (AVGO). I had been using NVDA video cards in my PC for at least a decade. I bought her some.

Then I forgot about it. Yep, that is something else about my investing. I AM LAZY. Plus, I have never understood how to ‘SELL HIGH, BUY LOW‘. I just BUY, HOLD & FORGET.

Hence why we are not doing that GREAT. But, we are OK. We haven’t lost any money. So, I am happy.

Oh, to be able to AFFORD a good Financial Advisor. Well, that is like wishing I could afford silk underwear.

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