Tag Archives: Final

Argentina’s World Cup Win Is One Heck Of A 86th Birthday Present For Pope Francis & He Gets To Maintain Some Mystique.

by Anura Guruge
on December 18, 2022

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The Argentinian Pope Francis could not have asked for a better 86th birthday present (his birthday having been yesterday).

As I had already pointed out France, when it came to this World Cup Final, was playing against BOTH the Pope & Argentina. They really never had a chance — especially IF it is true that the Pope has some connection with God.

Well, with this win Francis can continue to keep up the belief that he in someway as the inside track with God. If Argentina had lost Francis, at some stage, would have to have explained why ‘his friend’, God, had not intervened. But, now Francis is golden.

He has claimed that he did not watch the match on TV — that he hasn’t watched TV since 1990. Maybe he watched it on his phone.

Well, the Pope WON! Wow. Poor France (a good Catholic country at that).

World Cup 2022 Final Between ‘Argentina’ & ‘France’ Is A HUGE Test For Pope Francis’ Credibility.

by Anura Guruge
on December 14, 2022

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

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Click to ENLARGE. From the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ (link to this article).

Click to ENLARGE. From my 2015 ‘Pope Francis’ book.

Pope Francis is Argentinian.

Pope Francis readily admits that he is a HUGE soccer fan & that he does, quite naturally, support HIS National Team (i.e., Argentina) & some Argentinian Soccer Clubs.

He has also admitted, openly, that he follows the progress of matches involving Argentina. He has aides that keep him apprised of the score & progress. He has even hinted that maybe the ONLY time he now watches TV is to watch Argentina play.

So, there is NO QUESTION, whatsoever, that the Pope, Francis, is fervently rooting for HIS Argentinian Team.

To be fair Francis has renounced his ‘Vicar of Christ‘ title — thus indicating that he is no longer Christ’s representative on Earth.

But, he is still Pope. That has to mean that he MUST have a better relationship with God than anyone else on earth.

So, IF Argentina loses on Sunday …

That would be a blow to Francis’ credibility.

It sure has to mean that God does HIM no favors.

God, omnipotent, cannot but help knowing what is going on. He must know what the score is.

So, IF Argentina does NOT WIN on Sunday I will be demanding that the Pope abdicate. He will no longer have even a shred of credibility.

So, bet on Argentina WINNING.

France, a Catholic country (to be fair), has NO change — IN THEORY — against the clout of the Pope.