Tag Archives: Filing in 2023

My ‘Qualified Dividends And Capital Gain Tax Worksheet’ EXCEL Spreadsheet That I Posted Last Year Has Had 815 Views.

by Anura Guruge
on February 19, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Click here for the post. There is another post for 2022.

What it looks like INSIDE.

I am surprised, humbled BUT delighted. Wow. Glad it is of some use to some. Yes, if you check the COMMENTS you will see that a couple contacted me to tell me that they found it useful. That is always so gratifying.

I posted it because I had it & I like to share this stuff. I never thought so many people will check it out.

Always amazed me that there are SIMPLE IRS 1040 tax worksheets on the Web. Well, I am doing my part — & we now have two, one for ‘Capital Gains‘ & the some for ‘Social Security Benefits‘. Yes, of course, there are some very FANCY ones out there — but there are those, like I, who just want a quick & easy. Just in & out. Just enter the bare essential data. Doesn’t want to know your inside leg measurements. No messing about.

So, I am happy. Always nice to be of help.

‘Social Security Benefits’ Worksheet for Tax Year 2022 — A Basic, Simple Excel Spreadsheet For The Math.

by Anura Guruge
on February 16, 2023

For Tax Year 2022 & 2023

Filing in 2023 or 2024

Has NOT changed between last year & this.

Click to ENLARGE. Link to download Excel spreadsheet BELOW. For Tax Year 2022.

Click image to download clean, very simple Excel.

My ‘Qualified Dividends And Capital Gain Tax’ Excel worksheet I posted last year & then updated this year, have proved to be unexpectedly popular. So, I thought I would do a ‘Social Security Benefits’ worksheet too.

This is NOT sophisticated or fancy. It is very SIMPLE & BASIC.

I do my taxes by hand. SMILE. Have done so for years. I enjoy doing it by hand. Sure beats all the DUMB & inane questions you have to answer with the likes of ‘TurboTax’ & ‘H&R Block’. If you know your way around the 1040 it is easy enough to just go in & fill the forms directly.

The only problem is that you have to do the worksheets. Again, that doesn’t bother me overly. SMILE. I do know my way around a calculator too.

PLEASE check my math on the Excel. It is very, very basic. I had looked around for a spreadsheet like this. SIMPLE. Not complicated. Check the formulas. Make sure I haven’t screwed up.

I haven’t done my taxes as yet. So, I have NOT used this 2022 version of the Excel. OK?

My recommendation on how to use this.
1/ First do a paper one by hand using a pencil & calculator.
2/ THEN check your math using this Excel.

Then you should be all set. Got that. Double check. Double check. Triple check.

Yes, I looked at ‘Excel1040‘. It was OVERKILL for my needs. I just needed to check my math.

So, IF you have a similar need, give this a spin. It is SAFE. No macros. Just the simplest of formulas. But, check my math. SMILE.

‘Qualified Dividends And Capital Gain Tax Worksheet’ for Tax Year 2022 — A Basic, Simple Excel Spreadsheet For The Math.

by Anura Guruge
on February 14, 2023

For Tax Year 2022

Filing in 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Link to download Excel spreadsheet BELOW. For Tax Year 2022.
(Updated April 15, 2023)

Click image to download clean, very simple Excel.

Updated. Does ‘Smaller of Line …‘ automatically.

What it looks like INSIDE. Check it. Change it. Whatever. It is YOURS.

The Excel worksheet I posted last year has proved to be unexpectedly popular — & I have even had a few people thanking me for it.

So, I updated it for Tax Year 2022 (i.e., for those filing in 2023). Got that. 2022 Tax Year — & what has changed are the Status-based allowances in lines 6 & 13, e.g., $83,350 if married filing jointly.

For 2022Social Security Benefits‘ Excel Worksheet.

This is NOT sophisticated or fancy. It is very SIMPLE & BASIC.

I do my taxes by hand. SMILE. Have done so for years. I enjoy doing it by hand. Sure beats all the DUMB & inane questions you have to answer with the likes of ‘TurboTax’ & ‘H&R Block’. If you know your way around the 1040 it is easy enough to just go in & fill the forms directly.

The only problem is that you have to do the worksheets. Again, that doesn’t bother me overly. SMILE. I do know my way around a calculator too.

Last year I DASHED off this quick Excel to CHECK MY MATH on the ‘Qualified Dividends And Capital Gain Tax Worksheet‘. I updated it for 2022 — which is what you have here.

But, PLEASE check my math on the Excel. It is very, very basic. I had looked around for a spreadsheet like this. SIMPLE. Not complicated. Check the formulas. Make sure I haven’t screwed up.

I haven’t done my taxes as yet. So, I have NOT used this 2022 version of the Excel. OK?

My recommendation on how to use this.
1/ First do a paper one by hand using a pencil & calculator.
2/ THEN check your math using this Excel.

Then you should be all set. Got that. Double check. Double check. Triple check.

Yes, I looked at ‘Excel1040‘. It was OVERKILL for my needs. I just needed to check my math.

So, IF you have a similar need, give this a spin. It is SAFE. No macros. Just the simplest of formulas. But, check my math. SMILE.