Tag Archives: fat

Joe Biden’s White House Physician, ‘Kevin O’Connor’, Is Fat (Maybe Obese). I Would NOT Trust Him!

by Anura Guruge
on July 6, 2024

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google‘.

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia.

I refuse to see overweight/obese doctors & dentists.

I am a great believer in the adage, “physician, heal thyself“.

If a doctor can’t look after himself/herself, what confidence can I have that they will know what is good for I.

I have walked out of doctors when I have discovered that they are FAT!

Hey, my body, my life, my money, MY RULES.

Fat doctors don’t inspire confidence in me. I think they are SLOBS. Sorry.

My preferences.

But, this could explain a LOT when it comes to what is ailing Biden these days.

Biden has an inept doctor.

Market Basket’s ‘Spinach & Cheese’ Spanakopita Swirls: My Poison, My Downfall & Why I Am 20 lbs Overweight.

by Anura Guruge
on January 30, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

I talked about these in my Hannaford ‘No-Giblet’ Chicken post yesterday.

These swirls are MY addiction. I can’t get enough. I am continually gorging myself on them. I am known to eat multiple swirls a day — multiple at one sitting.

IF I could curb my gluttony when it comes to these swirls I could easily be 20 lbs lighter. I am overweight BECAUSE of these swirls.

I use restrain & moderation when it comes to ALL other food. This is the ONE exception. WINE is not a food. So, wine doesn’t count. I nearly died having caught typoid from polluted water. Since then I have avoided water — preferring wine.

These swirls. Have you ever tried them. They are DIVINE. No, no, NO. Nothing like what you can get frozen in boxes. I have no trouble saying NO to those. It is only these Market Basket swirls.

They have an ungodly fat content & are obviously v. high in carbs. That is why they are killing me. 80% of my not inconsiderable health woes can be attributed to these swirls. But, I can’t stop eating them, alas.

So, now you know why I am so unhealthy & overweight. These swirls. I wish I had never met them.

This Christmas, With TOO Much Chinese & A Trip To ‘Cambridge’ With Its Eateries, Has Me Inflated.

by Anura Guruge
on December 29, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. NOT a pretty sight. Sorry.

This Christmas took a HUGE toll on I. As ALWAYS indulged too much … food & wine. Got way too much Chinese on Christmas Day. I never learn. Too stupid. Wow.

Then going to Cambridge, MA, yesterday, with all the YUMMY eateries they have. All I did was eat, eat, eat & then eat a bit more.

Wow. I think I managed to gain about 40 lbs. Inflated. Can hardly MOVE. Trying to waddle. This is NOT funny. This was seriously stupid on my part — but I can’t help that.

HELP. How am I going to amble when all I can do is waddle.

No. No. No. NOT YOUR problem. Sorry. Just mind. INDULGENCE & stupidity. Not easy being I.

SMILE. But, I am HAPPY. Dumb & Happy. That is I.

The New Nutritional Labels Will Be Of Little Help UNLESS Folks Are Educated As To The Link Between Sugar & Fat.

by Anura Guruge
on September 27, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. From the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From Harvard’s ‘School of Public Health’.

People just do NOT understand the link between fat & sugar (i.e., carbohydrates) particularly as to how it relates to cholesterol.

As a RARE individual with a NEGATIVE Cholesterol Risk Factor (i.e., my cholesterol-related risk factor is even BETTER THAN ZERO) I am kind of qualified to talk about this. Plus, I have spent the last 9 years controlling my carbs — & you can see the results. SMILE.

Totally contrary to what you might think & may have been led to believe over the decades eating too much fat IS NOT the only thing that will make you fat (even obese) & increase your cholesterol. Carbohydrates (i.e., SUGAR) plays a pivotal role.

IF you can keep your carbs low, i.e., low-carb diet, you can consume a LOT of fat & still not gain any weight. You might even see a drop in your cholesterol. Google it. Look it up.

Reducing carbs (i.e., sugar) is invariably better than reducing fat! Fact of life. Proven.

You have to learn the relationship. Until you do these new nutritional labels will do diddly.