Tag Archives: extraordinary consistory

Pope Francis’ August 29, 2022 Cardinal-Creating Consistory Is Incongruous & Ill-Conceived.

by Anura Guruge
on May 30, 2022

Click to ENLARGE and read here. From ‘Vatican News’ (click here to access).

Click to ENLARGE and read here. From ‘Catholic News Agency’ (click here to access).

Click to ENLARGE. From my magic Excel spreadsheet. The 7 cardinal electors that will turn 80 in 2022.

Very strange, even with factoring in Francis’ Trump-like penchant for wanting to cause havoc because it makes HIM look important.

Well, I was, however, right on one count, i.e., that Francis was likely to announce the new cardinals in or around May 28. But, I was expecting a June 28, 2022, consistory.

So let me highlight the MAJOR incongruities in what Francis plans to do & the gullible, mindless media coverage that just panders to this pope WITHOUT paying heed to Church Laws.

>> Announcing a list of new cardinals 3 months ahead of a consistory is EXTREMELY unusual. I am pretty sure it is a FIRST. It was ONLY in the last decade or so that the practice of announcing the list a month ahead came to be. Just hundred years ago (which is but recent history when it comes to the Vatican) we used to have SECRET CONSISTORIES. The names were NOT made public till after the creation process. NO. NO. I am NOT talking about cardinals created In Pectore (close to the heart). I am talking about Secret Consistories — which was the norm. But, to be fair, no big deal. Only slight problem is if any of those named don’t make it to the consistory. They do NOT become cardinals posthumously! You have to be alive in order to be created. So, the 3-months is unusual, but is the least of our problems.

>> The claim that Francis is having this in August in order to bring all the cardinals together IS BOGUS. Total hogwash. The Vatican should be ashamed for propagating this mistruth.

For the last 15 years or so cardinals around the world have congregated in Rome ahead of cardinal-creating consistories. That had become the norm. So, there is NOTHING different or special about the August 2022 gathering.

I read Francis’ Regina Caeli. He did NOT mention that this would be an EXTRAORDINARY consistory. That is KEY. This would ONLY have been special IF it was deemed extraordinary — i.e., mandatory attendance. Instead, it appears to be ORDINARY. Attend IF YOU CAN — but most make a point of attending. So, to try & paint this in a different light is disingenuous. Shame on the Vatican.

>> As you can see from the top 2 images, the Vatican & the media are ACTING as if Francis has overridden Paul VI’s 120-limit for conclaves. I have NOT seen an edict, & as you can see both pieces mention the 120 limit & how it has been exceeded.

This, as I have continually harped on about, is a PROBLEM, both legally & logistically.

Right now 120 is THE LAW. If that is violated, without Francis overriding it, the next election will NOT BE LEGITIMATE.

Plus, there are logistically issues. Accommodating more than 120 electors within the Sistine & the Domus will be a problem! So, don’t act as if this is NOTHING. This is a problem.

>> Francis is really putting the cat among the pigeons as to the next election. The electorate is now extremely splintered. There are too many micro-voting blocs. They will squabble. Asia & Africa now have significant clout. The next election will be a MESS!

That is my first take. Mark what I have to say. My track record when it comes to conclaves is good. SMILE. I do my research & I have done a LOT of research. My facts are unimpeachable. Period.