Tag Archives: Exhibition

That ‘Johannes Vermeer’ Got A ‘Google Doodle’ Today, November 12, Is Obscure & Arbitrary.

by Anura Guruge
on November 12, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. Today’s Google Doodle.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia link. He wasn’t born, die or get married in November!

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Click here for the above Google explanation.

I like to check out Google Doodles. It can be very illuminating & interesting. So, when I saw that today’s Doodle was for ‘Vermeer‘, & artist that I am quite partial to, I immediately pulled up the Wikipedia to see why today was chosen. I was baffled. So, I had to go to the source.

Wow. Anniversary of a U.S. exhibition! That is bit of a stretch but we, of course, have to buy it. It would appear Google really wanted to honor Vermeer, & that is fair & just, & wanted to find a day that they could slip it in. That his birth date & day of death are uncertain gives this bit more credence.

It is definitely a good excuse to indulge in admiring his immense talent & grace.

Click to ENLARGE & enjoy.

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