Tag Archives: excommunicate

Excommunicating Archbishop ‘Carlo Maria Viganò’ For Schism Could Lead To A Schism.

by Anura Guruge
on July 6, 2024

Click image to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

As I have said earlier, excommunicating Viganò will be playing straight into his own hands — & plans.

I had a hunch that Viganò was not dependent on the Vatican for his sustenance. I just got the feeling he had means of his own. I looked it up. He is from a wealthy family and has quite the inheritance. So, he is not going to be homeless & hungry.

Now he has all the freedom & latitude he wants to be even more critical of the pope, the pope’s inner cabal & the Vatican. I am sure he has some interesting dirt that he will start to divulge. Pope Francis should have played cool. But, he couldn’t resist. Not good. This will backfire.

Trying To Charge Retired Archbishop ‘Carlo Maria Viganò’ With Schism Is So Medieval & Farcical.

by Anura Guruge
on June 20, 2024

Click image to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

No question, whatsoever, that retired Archbishop Carlo Carlo Maria Viganò, one-time Papal Nuncio to the U.S., is by now a well known and relentless GADFLY. His vocal criticisms of Pope Francis and the Vatican are not new. Today he called the pope ‘cancer’! [See image above (top right)]. In 2018 he asked for the pope to resign. Earlier this year he called for the pope to be arrested (though he wasn’t clear as to who could or would be able to do that).

He is now 83.

All the news reports are based on HIS CLAIM. So, he can’t be sure whether this is ALL true. I suspect that there is some basis to what he is claiming. I am sure the Church — and the pope — want to punish him and also silence him.

It just sounds so medieval. The ‘Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith‘ (DDF), that per Vigano is charging him did use to be THE INQUISITION! So there is that.

Yes, my first thoughts had to do with ‘Free Speech‘. Then it slowly sunk in (again).

He is getting a Church pension. He is beholden to the Church & pope. That is the rub.

They have a hold on him. Excommunicate him. Kick him out. Laicize him. Tear is frock off. I am sure he has supporters who will give him shelter.

Does ‘Warrior Pope’ Francis Have Enough Testosterone To Excommunicate Retired Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò?

by Anura Guruge
on January 17, 2024

Click image to ENLARGE. ‘Newsweek’ link.

Retired Archbishop Carlo Carlo Maria Viganò, one-time Papal Nuncio to the U.S., is by now a well known GADFLY. His vocal criticisms of Pope Francis and the Vatican are not new. In 2018 he asked for the pope to resign. That is ‘acceptable’.

Calling the pope to be ARRESTED is a whole different matter!

That is meant to provoke, meant to goad, meant to incite.

He, better than anybody, KNOW that the pope can’t be arrested as such — & especially not if he is at the Vatican. Beyond unlikely that ANY COUNTRY in the world — that the pope is likely to visit — will arrest him. It would cause an uproar.

He is challenging the pope.

The pope has been slapped in the face with a velvet glove.

What will the Warrior Pope do?

He can’t FIRE him. He is already retired.

All he can do is EXCOMMUNICATE him. And he can do that just by saying that he is.

But, will the pope have the testosterone to do that?


He will excommunicate a poor Italian priest.

He will fire a U.S. bishop.

But, will he do anything to Vigano.

This is the TEST.

Vigano knows it.

Francis is UNDER ATTACK.

This comes within 48-hours of Francis’ papacy being called a PORNOCRACY in a Catholic publication.

The pope can’t take this sitting down.


Does he have the testosterone? Or in the end will be come across as a BULLY. Only attacking low-profile clergy.

Him taking Cardinal Burke’s privileges is NOT the same as FIRING or EXCOMMUNICATING a (Arch)bishop. This is THE TEST.

For Pope Francis’ Papacy To Be Called A ‘Pornocracy’, By A CATHOLIC Publication, Is Quite SHOCKING.

by Anura Guruge
on January 15, 2024

Click image (or here) to access the ‘onepeterfive‘ original.

That is pretty DRASTIC.

I am NOT sure I would go that far.

Yes, the Francis papacy has some flaws, problems & challenges BUT I don’t think it is a pornocracy. For a start Francis is TOO OLD! Smile.

Wow. Will Francis, the ‘Warrior Pope‘, excommunicate the writer — who is Catholic.

This is pretty sensational stuff. I wanted to make sure YOU saw it.

Wow. A pornocracy.