Tag Archives: Eternal Pope

The ‘Next Pope’ After ‘Francis’ — Where I Would Start.

by Anura Guruge
on June 7, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From my magic Excel spreadsheet.

First & foremost: Each to their OWN. I am a strong believer that age does play a crucial role — & I WAS RIGHT, dead right, last time around. So, I am, yet again, starting with that as my 1st & most important criteria.

Then we have geography & ‘exoticness’. Again, this is MY take. I think ‘Francis’ was enough of an ‘exotic’ for the next 50 years. The next pope is going to along more conventional lines — WITH an ‘American Pope‘ the one exception.

Up until quite recently I totally refused to believe that the Next Pope could be American. I no longer think that way. If anything I think there is a good chance that the Next Pope will be American! Wow.

This, however, is my 1st CUT.

I honestly have not been on ‘Next Pope’ watch. There is a lot of ground I have to catch up on. Lot of work I will need to do. This week & next is OUT. But, I am NOT worried. I am now convinced that Francis is the new ‘Eternal Pope’. He will be around for another 3 years, at least.

Well, this is my current take. I am being totally upfront with you. Please share YOUR thoughts. Always welcome & appreciated. Thank YOU.

I Am NOT On ‘Next Pope’ Watch, I Think ‘Francis’ Is The New ETERNAL POPE!

by Anura Guruge
on June 7, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

Yes, of course, I heard THE news early this morning (given that I don’t go to bed till very late).

It did NOT prompt me, in any way, to jump into ‘Next Pope‘ mode.

My attitude (& parameters) towards the ‘Next Pope‘ has changed, dramatically, in the last 18 months.

I kind of subscribed to the notion that Francis might retire/resign. I NO LONGER DO, i.e., I think Francis will doggedly stay on as pope till the very end (partly to spite all those that wished he would retire).

Despite all his physical ailments, Francis doesn’t look like he is ready to keel over! I think he is good for at least another 3 years. BUT, of course, I could, as ever, be very wrong.

But, but, but … I am, right this minute, NOT on ‘Next Pope’ watch.

Yes, it is also true that I am crazy busy on other projects, but ‘Next Pope’ is something that grabs my attention.

Yes, maybe I will start doing SOME thinking.

Here is ANOTHER cracker. I think Francis will convene a November Cardinal Creating CONSISTORY! Yep, I am fairly convinced of that (though again I could be very wrong). I think he is going to TOTALLY & utterly stack the decks. He is going to ignore the 120 elector limit. He will make sure that HIS ELECTORS make up 70% of the electorate.

Then he is going to live to be the SECOND OLDEST pope as of 1400. SMILE. Come on. It is fun to have an ‘Eternal Pope’. Well, we had one in JP II but he started off young. Francis with modern medical care & God’s help will live past 90.