Tag Archives: Emeritus Bishop Of Rome

‘Pope Emeritus’ Makes More Sense Than ‘Emeritus Bishop Of Rome’.

by Anura Guruge
on August 24, 2022

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In the end, once you get past the emotive stuff, an EX-POPE is an EX-POPE.

You can’t deny or try to hide that an ex-pope was once a pope. So, pope emeritus does not bother me — though I would prefer ex-pope since that is more ‘obvious’.

Saying ‘Emeritus Bishop of Pope’ will just add confusion.

Plus, what is the point — really.

The pope by definition is the Bishop of Rome & the Bishop of Rome by definition is the pope.

You can’t be one without being the other. So, why obfuscate. Call a spade a spade.

Again, I will stress that I think EX-POPE sounds better — especially when the ex-pope continues to use his assumed papal (i.e., regnal) name. So, to I, Ex-Pope Benedict XVI is OK. That, you will notice, is how I always refer to him these days. Ex-Pope Benedict XVI is both technicall7 & factually accurate. He was Pope Benedict XVI, now he is EX-POPE Benedict XVI. All adds up. I don’t see a need to complicate it any further.

As ex-pope he is also, by definition, ex-Bishop of Rome. That goes without saying.

That he is a bishop cannot be taken away.

As to whether he is still a cardinal is a whole different matter & something outside of this post.