Tag Archives: eero 5

‘eero 6’: My New 4-node ‘eero 6’ Mesh Network Is 100Mbps SLOWER Than What I Got With 3 eero 5s.

by Anura Guruge
on December 8, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. On right is a screenshot from my ‘eero APP’ proving I have FOUR eero 6s.

TDS installed one of their own, eero-based “Wi-Fi+” Mesh Networks in our home, in March 2020, so that we can (supposedly) get most out of our (near) 1Gbps Internet feed. Once we got used to it, we found it to be tolerable. It was reliable if nothing else.

Yesterday, they I NEVER requested it, TDS upgraded us to a new eero 6-based network because we upgraded from ‘TDS TV’ to ‘TDS TV+’.

So they swapped out our old ‘Surfboard Internet Modem’ & three eero 5 units & put in a 4-unit eero 6 Mesh. It has been a DISASTER.

It works BUT it is PAINFULLY SLOW.

My main PC (as has always been the case) is hardwired (i.e., LAN-attached) to one of the eero 5 units. That is standard. My Roku as well as the TDS TV+ unit are also hardwired. (Yes, we use a LAN splitter in the basement to make that happen & TDS took care of that too (though I supplied the splitter).

The hardwired connection is down at least 90Mbps. No if & buts, it is SLOW.

Wi-Fi is consistently 100Mbps SLOWER than what we had.

Yes, given that we (in theory) have 1Gbps coming to the house, we can still function with a 100Mbps drop in bandwidth. But we all notice it.

NOT AMUSED. NOT IMPRESSED. NOT HAPPY. But, I am at the mercy of TDS! I would rather NOT have eero.