Tag Archives: ED

‘Thai Massage’ (2022) ‘Netflix’ Movie — Tackling ED The Indian Way (With Raw Onions) Rather Than ‘Viagra’.

by Anura Guruge
on January 9, 2023

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Click image to access the ‘Netflix’ page for this comedy.

Click image to access ‘IMDb.com’ listing.

Watch the YouTube trailer.

Definitely a QUIRKY comedy. You have to be into SUBTITLED Indian-movies & have a slightly offbeat (e.g., ‘British‘) sense of humor. I enjoyed it. Not a fall-about-laughing comedy. More nuanced.

Great study of 2022 Indian society & the ‘Bangkok’ boom-boom sex/tourist trade.

My MAIN TAKEAWAY from this movie: eat a LOT of raw onions!

The crazy thing is that I do eat a fair amount of onions which MIGHT explain why I am still the ENVY of a couple of my male cousins. I will have to tell them to start eating more raw onions.

My adoptive parents, as part of my adoptive father’s job at UNESCO, lived for many years at a time, in ‘New Delhi’, India & ‘Bangkok’, Thailand, between 1969 and 1979. Since I was in school & university till Sept. 1974, I would spend my summers with them — first in India & then in Thailand. But, that was a long time ago. Both countries have changed much — the last time I was in Bangkok, albeit just for half-a-day during a business trip to the Philippines was in 1995. So, the scenes from this entertaining movie were an eye opener.

Check the YouTube trailer (above). If it even vaguely piques your interest go for it. It is not a bad movie. I am sure many of you will get a kick from it. Enjoy.

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It Is NOT Masturbation That Makes You Go Blind, It Is ‘Viagra’ (& Other ED Medications)! WOW.

by Anura Guruge
on April 8, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’ a few minutes ago.

Sacré (bloody) bleu!

How did this stay under the radar for so long? Quite incredible. Given how many people are supposed to take Viagra (or similar) we have to be talking in the MILLIONS here.

No, luckily, I don’t have ED as yet. Come on. I have to get a break. There is only so many ailments that one can be saddled with — & I have enough (thank you).

Wow. I do know of someone who takes Viagra to masturbate! Double whammy. I will have to check with him. Yes, he has had eye issues but they were never attributed to his Viagra intake.

I happened to see this in the U.K. ‘Daily Mail‘ that I check multiple times a day. The Daily Mail is hard to beat when it comes to news. That is why I have relied on it for over 40 years of my life.

IF you take Viagra (or similar) you better look into this. I would stop taking it at once. This is serious stuff.

Link Between COVID & Erectile Dysfunction (ED): Could This End Up Being The Ultimate “Darwin Award”?

by Anura Guruge
on July 8, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

YouTube video.

When I happen to see it on a news feed a couple of days ago I thought it was a joke — a naughty prank. But, I made a note to check it out. I did, & boy, am I glad I did.

Wow. They are CLAIMING that there appears to be a link. They are also quoting that men who get COVID are 5x to 6x times MORE likely to end up with ED.

But, I wonder if there could be a DIFFERENT link. We know that the obese, elderly & diabetic are more susceptible to COVID than others. The obese, elderly & diabetic are also prone to ED. So, do we have to factor that in? I don’t know. I haven’t seen the studies or numbers.

But, if we assume that it is indeed the case that men who get COVID could end up with a higher chance of getting ED, would not that be a great incentive to get vaccinated?

I am surprised that President Biden & others are NOT using this to encourage men to get the vaccine.

And herein comes the ‘Darwin Award‘ angle; i.e., giving evolution a much-need helping hand. Kind of straightforward. Men too ‘bullheaded’ to get the vaccine stand a greater chance of getting COVID than those that get the vaccine. The unvaccinated men that do get COVID have a higher chance of getting ED. While ED will not stop them completely of procreation, it sure can slow it down. Lower the chances of propagating their genes. That might NOT be a bad thing.

So? Will this, going forward, prove to a ‘Darwin Award‘ scenario?