Tag Archives: Durham

‘The Best Of Enemies’ (2019) Movie (Netflix) — Re. School Integration In Durham, N.C. (1971), Highlights Human Decency At Its Most Basic & Best.

by Anura Guruge
on July 7, 2021

YouTube trailer.

Wow. I spent a lot of time in Durham, North Carolina, in the late 1990s. I had no idea what travails the City had gone through in 1971 when it came to school integration. I also had no idea that the KKK operated so openly & that everyone knew who belonged to the KKK.

This is a movie based on real events & real people. All the main protagonists depict real people. It is quite the story.

This movie came out two years ago. Great timing. Truly a movie for these times. Folks should watch it to see that tolerance, understanding & genuine human decency was possible — & is still possible.

They should show this at school & I am sure some folks will complain & object. SMILE. They would not appreciate the irony.