Tag Archives: Dunkin'

I Like Maine’s Idea Of Taxing Companies For Recycling, We Should Extend It To Cover Litter.

by Anura Guruge
on June 15, 2021

Above coverage from the U.K. ‘Independent’. Click here to access original article.

Great idea. Bravo. I wish them all the best. I am proud of Maine — a State I visit nearly every month. Good thinking. Alas, of course, we know that the companies will just hike up their prices & TAX all consumers. That is always the problems. Companies rarely, if ever, eat such added costs (or penalties). They just pass them on — & right now we have enough price inflation as it is.

I TRY to clear up litter on roadside — mainly because I spend so much time a day WALKING on the side of roads. What always strikes me is the regularity of the litter: McDonald’s bags, wrappers & boxes, Dunkin’ cups, Pepsi cans, Marlboro packs, etc. etc. You get the drift. Easy to make HUGE piles of collected litter from various companies. Well, why can’t we find a way to penalize these companies. They can TRY to educate their customers not to litter. We can create WALLS OF SHAME. Think about it.

But, I am glad that folks have at least started thinking about this problem. Bravo, Maine.