Tag Archives: Dr Theodor Sauer

Good Article About Cataract Care In ‘Forbes’.

by Anura Guruge
on October 7, 2023

Having had THREE very successful cataract surgeries, with TORIC LENSES in both eyes, at ‘Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston’ (OCB), by the wonderful, gifted & brilliant Dr. Theodor Sauer, ~3-years ago, I am a great believer in cataract surgery … & care. My surgeries rejuvenated my eyes.

I go back for yearly checks. Yes, one of these days they will have to do some MAINTENANCE laser ‘cleaning’. I was told about this right at the start.

So, I appreciate that CARE is important.

This article has some good info. Hence my desire to share it.

As to why I needed 3 surgeries, when alas I only have 2 eyes had to do with the toric lenses. They are shaped. They can be ROTATED inside the eye to improve FOCUS! After the surgery on my (bad) right eye, Dr. Sauer, at the 2-week check-up thought he could give me better sight IF he rotated the lens by another 15 degrees. So, we scheduled another surgery. Full works. He didn’t have to pull out the ‘old’ lens, just rotate it in place. It worked.

Glaucoma FAQ By My Brilliant Cataract Surgeon ‘Dr. Theodor Sauer’ Of ‘Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston’ (OCB).

by Anura Guruge
on April 5, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Click here to access Dr. Sauer’s full FAQ.

Click to ENLARGE. Click here to access OCB’s webpage on Glaucoma.

Given that it impacts your vision, ‘Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston’ (OCB), understandably, pay a lot of attention to glaucoma. Everytime you visit them they will test you for glaucoma. I am a very happy patient of theirs. They instill confidence in you. I always feel that I am in good hands with them.

Most of my dealing with OCB is to see the wonderful, gifted & brilliant Dr. Theodor Sauer who in late 2020 & early 2021 (during the height of COVID) performed three near miraculous cataract surgeries on me. Yes, three. He did my right eye twice, within the space of a month, to rotate the toric lens that was installed. Once it was in he took further measurements & figured that an additional 15 degree rotation might improve vision further. It did. Hence, the three, all three with 2 months (I think).

YOUNG Dr. Sauer is brilliant. I know I have used that word multiple times before BUT there is no other word that really captures him. He just is ONE of those amazing doctors. They are getting rarer & rarer. As soon as you see him you know you have LUCKED out. He exudes quiet confidence, competence, compassion & caring. As some of you know I am no strangers to doctors, so I am not one who is in constant awe of doctors. In general I am quite critical of U.S. doctors though I, for reasons I have never worked out, have lucked out, BIG TIME, when it comes to surgeons. Just like Dr. Sauer, Dr. Charles Blitzer, who did my (also miraculous) knee surgery 4-years ago, is a sheer genius. My knee is better than new & the whole process of near painless.

But, back to glaucoma & Dr. Sauer. Check out his FAQ. It is short & pithy.

IF YOU have any eyes issues, at all, at all, consider going to OCB or more locally, the ‘Capital Vision Center‘ in Concord, N.H. They are very good too, though they don’t do surgery.

Your vision is NOT something you should overlook!

Contaminated Eye Drops Causing Blindness & Possibly Even Death!

by Anura Guruge
on February 1, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Click for U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ article from earlier today.

The eyedrops I was using — BUT I STOPPED today.
NOT taking the chance. The risk.

Click to ENLARGE.

This is SCARY. Wow. Going blind. To be honest I would prefer to die. This is TOO close to home for I. I have never used this brand. I don’t think I have ever come across it. BUT here is the worry. If this brand got contaminated, others could TOO — especially others, like this one, that REFRAIN from using Preservatives. That is what is key here. No preservatives, no additives. Preservatives are said to irritate the eyes of some. That is why I doctors promote ‘Preservative Free’ eye drops — which are MORE EXPENSIVE.

Though I had worn contact lenses, daily, for 52-years, I was never big into eye drops. I could go for months without using — or needing — any. Dry eyes per se was never a problem or concern.

That all changed after I had my cataract surgeries in 2020/2021. My outstanding & brilliant surgeon, Dr. Theodor Sauer, of ‘Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston’ (OCB), impressed upon I the importance of keeping my eyes lubricated. He recommended the Refresh Mega-3 drops. He, per OCB guidelines, was very adamant that you should stay clear of eye drops that contain preservatives. In essence, IF the eye drops are in a bottle they will have preservatives. You have to go with these small, single-use ‘droppers’ to avoid preservatives. IF the drops are going to be exposed to air, as in a bottle, they need a preservative. Preservatives can irritate the eye. That is why you are told to stay clear of them.

Well, I am NOT going to take a chance. As it happens I have an appointment with Dr. Sauer (that I am looking forward to) in Boston this coming Monday. I will, of course, discuss this with him.

I had ‘Refresh’ as an Amazon monthly ‘subscription item’. I was due my next shipment next week. I cancelled that today!

‘Refresh’ Eye Lubricant Drops: The Gel Disappoints, the ‘Mega-3’ Drops Are Good.

by Anura Guruge
on August 1, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Though I had worn contact lenses, daily, for 52-years, I was never big into eye drops. I could go for months without using — or needing — any. Dry eyes per se was never a problem or concern.

That all changed after I had my cataract surgeries in 2020/2021. My outstanding & brilliant surgeon, Dr. Theodor Sauer, of ‘Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston’ (OCB), impressed upon I the importance of keeping my eyes lubricated. He recommended the Refresh Mega-3 drops. He, per OCB guidelines, was very adamant that you should stay clear of eye drops that contain preservatives. In essence, IF the eye drops are in a bottle they will have preservatives. You have to go with these small, single-use ‘droppers’ to avoid preservatives. IF the drops are going to be exposed to air, as in a bottle, they need a preservative. Preservatives can irritate the eye. That is why you are told to stay clear of them.

I used Mega-3 for a longtime. Then I saw the ‘Soothing Gel’. I thought that I would prefer the gel — & that it might be longer lasting. WRONG. The Gel, at least as far as I was concerned, just did NOT work. I had trouble getting the gel out to begin with! That was very annoying. Just couldn’t get it out of the damn container. Plus, it was THICK & gooey. Blurred my vision for 10 minutes or more. So, I stopped using the gel & went back to the Mega-3.

Just wanted to share this experience with you. Might be of help.

This (Tragic) Fatal Car Accident, 1-Day After Cataract Surgery Bothers Me — Seems Very Wrong.

by Anura Guruge
on July 26, 2022

Click to ENLARGE & read here. From the U.K. ‘Daily Mail‘.

As someone who had cataract surgery, on both eyes (6 weeks apart) 2-years ago, I was perturbed to see this story.

A few things bother me. I don’t think that anybody does cataract surgery on both eyes on the same day. So, you have one new eye & one old eye. Even if the vision in the new eye is not great the next day, the old eye should be as it was — ALBEIT still with glasses or contacts. That could be where this STUPID woman went wrong. She probably wasn’t wearing her glasses because they would have distorted what she was seeing with her new eye! I didn’t have that problem because I wore contact lenses.

This is BAD. I think the doctor who did the surgery should also be CHARGED! He or she should have made it very clear as to when she should start driving.

I can’t remember the exact instructions I was given. I had mine done at ‘Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston’ (OCB) by the wonderful, gifted & brilliant Dr. Theodor Sauer. Per their very rigid protocol you HAVE to go in for a check-up the day after surgery. (In my case, this fell on Thanksgiving morning — & I still had to go it. I kid you not. The doctor was there, in the morning, to check me out.)

I know for a fact that I wasn’t allowed to drive for that next-day appointment. And the timing of the follow up for such that it would be about 24-hours after the surgery. So, I know I didn’t — & wasn’t allowed — drive for the first 24-hours. I can’t remember when I started driving but I wasn’t in a hurry. I didn’t have a need.

But, this is so stupid. So tragic. She should have the book thrown at her. How idiotic. I am NOT happy. This is crazy.

Glaucoma Awareness Month — V. Useful Newsletter From ‘Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston’ (OCB).

by Anura Guruge
on January 27, 2022

Click to ENLARGE. Click here to access ‘National Eye Institute’ post.

Click to ENLARGE. Click here to access OCB’s webpage on Glaucoma.

Click image to view ENTIRE OCB Newsletter as a clean, safe PDF.

I am a very happy patient of ‘Ophthalmic Consultants of Boston’ (OCB). I had my near miraculous cataract surgeries (x3) done by them — in particular, the wonderful, gifted & brilliant Dr. Theodor Sauer.

From my many visits to them I have come to appreciate that OCB really very concerned about the early detection of glaucoma. They test you for glaucoma every time you go there. They, like I, are great believers in prevention & early detection. [I am, for NOW, ‘OK’ when it comes to glaucoma (though a few years ago, way before OCB, a doctor in New Hampshire speculated that I might be a candidate for low-pressure glaucoma. It would appear she was misguided. But, I try not to take any chances when it comes to my eyes which is why I panicked when I had ‘flashes & floaters’ in my left eye in November 2021. Dr. Sauer had warned me to keep any eye out for them.

Well, as a patient I get the OCB’s monthly newsletter. The January newsletter was all about glaucoma. It has a lot of useful information & I feel compelled to share that with YOU. I had a quick look at OCB’s large website. I could not find this newsletter. That is why I made it into a PDF and posting it here. You should take a look.

Your vision is NOT something you should overlook!