Tag Archives: Dolan

The Next Pope Could (Finally) Be An American Cardinal!

by Anura Guruge
on May 18, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

Click to ENLARGE. The ‘White House East’ objection. Click here for the original post.

By NO MEANS a given. The probability is increasing.


Ironic. The influence of the U.S., the ‘Western White House‘, is diminishing. A U.S. pope will not be seeing as wielding as much power as they might have done even just a few years ago. A sad fact.

Plus, the U.S. is becoming the bastion of conservative Catholicism. And then there is also the money. U.S. interests by far (by far) pour more money into ‘grooming’ potential popes than any other bloc. Until now they couldn’t — & they didn’t — squander any of that on U.S. candidates. But, that is changing.

NO, the next pope certainly will NOT be Burke or Dolan. That is a given.

But, Sean Patrick stands a decent chance. The ONE major stumbling block is his BEARD! Yes, if not for his beard his chances would be better. And NO, he will NOT agree to shave.

So, think about it. Mull it over. Not a given. Just a shift in the fundamental dynamics.