Tag Archives: dog treats

UPS & FedEx Drivers — PLEASE STOP Giving My Dog Treats Out Of Your Truck; Get OUT, If You Have To.

by Anura Guruge
on January 3, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. Just a quick sample from ‘Google’.

I know. I know.

I know YOU think you are doing a ‘nice’ thing. Being kind etc. etc. Alas, YOU are NOT!

By all means give them treats when you are on foot, in my drive (or yard). I am OK with that. PLEASE DON’T TRY TO GIVE THEM TREATS FROM YOU TRUCK.

Can you see the difference?

Can you tell the difference?


On foot — OK (though I would rather you didn’t).


Because it makes dogs associate trucks — & for that matter all vehicles — with treats.

Dogs are smart, but NOT that smart — especially when it comes to treats.

When YOU give them treats from A TRUCK they think that they will get treats from every truck — & every vehicle.


Quite dangerous.

You are also encouraging them to CHARGE your trucks every time they see one.

So, PLEASE. Please.

I know you think you are being sweet. Good intentions, bad consquences.

It is BEST if dogs, especially BIG dogs like I have, do NOT associate YOU with treats.


P.S., Today, I had a FedEx driver stop, then backup 50 yards to give Rowen two biscuits! Aaahh! And then they wonder (& comment) as to why Rowen goes berserk when she sees a UPS or FedEx truck.