Tag Archives: documentary

ELEPHANTS Vs. Man In Sri Lanka — CNN Documentary, Sunday, April 21, 2024.

by Anura Guruge
on April 20, 204

Click to ENLARGE. Link to ‘CNN’.

I am am recording it, but I am not sure whether I will be able to watch it in its entirety. It might be TOO distressing. I know the situation is dire — & not getting better. This is an issue very close to my heart.

Way back, when I was in my late teens, I had this plan that when I was 30, I was going to liquidate everything I had in the West, go back home to Ceylon, and (using our family contacts & clout) get a ‘job’ looking after the elephants. That was in the 1970s. I knew then that the elephants needed help. Well, none of that happened. I, as with all things in my life, FAILED — & failed miserably.

Sri Lankans have an unusual confused & conflicted relationship with our elephants. We have FOUR (4) types of elephants in Sri Lanka (nee Ceylon). Temple, Working, Tourist & WILD. In theory we are supposed to (literally) worship the Temple elephants. Many think they do, BUT we are rather unkind to them. Working elephants don’t do too bad. Tourist elephants get some abuse. The real problem is the WILD elephants. They get short shrift. That is what this CNN documentary will be about.

Just wanted to make sure you knew of this. OK?

‘The Thief Collector’ (2022) On ‘Prime Video’ Is Quite The Story. Rather Compelling. You Will Love It If You Are Into Art.

by Anura Guruge
on March 13, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE. ‘Prime Video‘ listing.

Click to access the ‘IMDb.com‘ listing.

I was NOT aware of this story. Given that I am not that much into modern art, I also was NOT familiar with the artist or this painting (though I kind of think I have heard the name ‘Kooning‘).

This is QUITE the story. Though technically a ‘documentary’ (and billed as such), you can watch it like a crime movie. Very well done. I was impressed.

Check it out. Prime Video does have some good stuff. Every few weeks I take a break from ‘Netflix‘ and make a point of watching a few shows on Prime. There is definitely a different ‘feeling’ as to what you get on Prime vs. Netflix. Netflix offerings, on the whole, tend to be more ‘in your face’ … also more vibrant. Prime stuff tends to be more laid-back. That is my feeling. What do YOU think? Enjoy.

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‘The Saint of Second Chances’ (2023) Documentary On ‘Netflix’ Is NOT A Baseball Story — BUT Heartwarming, HILARIOUS & Above All INSPIRATIONAL.

by Anura Guruge
on October 23, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. For ‘IMDb.com’ listing.

I am NOT 100% sure WHY I started watching it on ‘Netflix‘. Maybe it had to do with the pigs in the Netflix trailer. {SMILE} I also DID NOT watch it in one go. I kind of watched 20-minutes at a time to begin with, spread over two weeks, UNTIL I got hooked. I really liked it.

The last 1/3 of this documentary is about ‘Mike Veeck‘ & his daughter who got very sick. I won’t say anymore … because I don’t want to spoil it for YOU. Well, I can RELATE to that. That is what made this documentary SPECIAL in the END. It was inspirational. WOW. What a Dad!

If YOU are a Dad, watch it. We can all learn.

The baseball stuff is just an essential backdrop. You don’t have to LIKE or KNOW baseball to enjoy & savor this documentary.

Plus, it is HILARIOUS.

Yes, not for dingbats. But, if you are mature, you will find it rewarding.

‘Oppenheimer: The Real Story’ (2023) Movie Available For Rent On ‘Prime’ Is NOT ‘THE REAL’, Blockbuster ‘Oppenheimer’ Movie — Be AWARE!

by Anura Guruge
on July 31, 2023

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to access ‘IMDb.com’ listing.

The dead giveaway IF you are diligent is that its run length is ONLY 1 hour and 37 minutes.

The blockbuster version, now playing in theaters, as has been widely publicized, is 3 hours long.

So, what is for rent at ‘Prime‘ is a U.K. documentary. (Link to ‘IMDb.com’ listing). It is NOT the version now playing to record crowds in theaters.

So, be aware. Don’t rent this by mistake. OK?

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