Tag Archives: doctrine

Pope Francis’ New Enforcer Of The Doctrine, ‘Víctor Manuel Fernández’, Is The Author Of The Book ‘Heal Me With Your Mouth. The Art Of Kissing’.

by Anura Guruge
on July 1, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Link to the original, at ‘medium.com‘ that EXPLAINS how he did his research. Must read.

Click image to access the original. The Pope looks rather tired.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia link.

The link from the first image takes you to an article that claims to explain how & why this book came to be — given that it was written by a Catholic priest under the vow of celibacy (though NOT continence). It is written in the first person — so there is an implication that he himself wrote this.

Early on he equates a kiss with a hickey!

Maybe he is a tad ignorant on the subject & needs more exposure.

I will let you do some reading on your own.

I just hope he was NOT practicing on … Well we all know what Catholic priests are now most famous for. I will also refrain from making in jokes as to who he must have been kissing up to at the Vatican.

He & Francis are compatriots & have known each other for a longtime.

He is not yet a cardinal. So, Francis will surely have to have a consistory soon to give him a red hat. You can’t have him, especially given that he wrote this book, not being a cardinal.

I am indebted to my onetime collaborator, Louis Epstein, for bringing this book to my attention. He did so this morning by e-mail. You can always rely on Louis for wonderful nuggets of information like this. That is his forte. No one can do research like he can. Thank YOU, Louis. This made my day.

U.S. Cardinal Burke’s Questioning Of Pope Francis’ Authority To Restrict The Use Of The Latin Mass Is Pretty Silly!

by Anura Guruge
on July 21, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From the ‘National Catholic Register‘.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papal_infallibility.

Click to ENLARGE & read here. Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Papal_supremacy.

This is my take on it, but I did discuss at length with a couple of others who also happen to know there way around the Catholic Church, its ‘laws’, traditions & practices.

We don’t need to get too technical or pedantic here.

A pope, Francis (or otherwise), has absolute, unilateral, AUTOCRATIC POWER over the Catholic Church in all matters. Period.

It is well understood & acknowledged that a pope cannot be judged, corrected, censored,or disciplined on Earth. Only God has (any) sway over a pope. Period.

A pope cannot be impeached or removed from office.

There are NO councils, courts, parliaments or whatever to hold a pope accountable.

When it comes to matters of the Catholic Church, the pope is SUPREME & can do whatever, whenever. Period.

A pope does not have to have any of his decisions validated, voted upon, endorsed or whatever from anyone else. ‘Pope has spoken, the matter is settled‘. Period.

And all of this BEFORE we even broach upon the thorny issue of Papal Infallibility (above).

So, all I can say is that Burke must be smoking too much incense! His claim holds no water.

In the case of the Latin Mass the pope is NOT even trying to change doctrine. But, let’s say that he was. He can do that — worst case doing it (so called) ex-Cathedra (i.e., from his throne) so that he is infallible! It is good to be the pope. Period.

The pope can change liturgy. Trival. The pope can even do so on-the-fly. John XXIII did this when he removed the offensive phrase ‘Perfidious Jews‘ from the Mass. On-the-fly. John XXIII wanted it removed. Done & dusted. Period.

Burke might be trying to say that some MAY not buy that the pope has the authority.

Well, the pope, unilaterally, just by saying the words, can excommunicate Burke. Snap of his fingers. Poof. Burke becomes a berk. (Smile).

The pope can excommunicate a whole bunch of people.

But, he can’t prevent a schism. That he can’t. Other than that, he can do whatever.

So, maybe what Burke is trying to say, clumsily (as befits another old man), is that those that question the pope authority will have to be schismatic.

The pope has already ‘busted’ Burke at least once. The pope might decide to show him, once & for all, how much power a pope has over Catholics, even U.S. cardinals.