Tag Archives: discrimination

‘Wicked Little Letters’ (2023) on ‘Netflix’ – A British Comedy, Which Despite A Ton Of Bawdy Swearing, Is Spoilt By Being TOO ‘Woke’.

by Anura Guruge
on July 30, 2024

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‘The Long Game’ (2023) On ‘Netflix’ — An Inspiring Movie About Overcoming American-Mexican Discrimination. The Golf Is Incidental.

by Anura Guruge
on July 22, 2024

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I find golf even more insipid than watching paint dry. Never understood its appeal. Yes, as a teenager I tried it once — & will even confess that I even got some golf lessons (paid for by my adoptive parents). But as a lifelong avid cricketer, hitting a stationary ball had limited appeal. Luckily this is NOT a golf movie! It is all about discrimination based on your skin color. Set 70-years ago, BUT still topical & relevant. Worth watching.

Very well done. Very slick production. Good cast. Relatable. I enjoyed it. I recommend it.

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