Tag Archives: diet

This Week’s Batch Of My Super Healthy, Very Yummy, Fiber-Rich Soup — Made From Scratch.

by Anura Guruge
on September 26, 2022

Click images to ENLARGE.

I need to lose weight!

I also need to consume more liquids that (alas) are NOT WINE!

I need to lower my A1C (it is creeping up).

So this Summer, inspired by the soups I get at Chinese restaurants, I set out to make my OWN healthy soups — using a slow-cooker.

This was my fifth batch & they have been a HUGE success — though, by design, I am the only one who eats them.

NO CARBS. Lots of vegetables — many high in fiber.

I took pictures today so you can see what I use. Red cabbage, water sprouts, mushrooms, leeks, squash, onions & peppers (some Jalapeno). It is spiced with 3 packets of Chinese soup flavoring. This time I did NOT add any soy sauce or flavoring. I will do that when I heat up a batch to eat. The only meat in it is hot Italian sausage.

It should be good.

One batch lasts me a week. I then throw a bit away.

I really should do this on a commercial basis.

Latest Batch Of My Super Healthy, Very Yummy, Fiber-Rich Soup — Made From Scratch.

by Anura Guruge
on September 12, 2022

Click images to ENLARGE.

I need to lose weight!

I also need to consume more liquids that (alas) are NOT WINE!

So this Summer, inspired by the soups I get at Chinese restaurants, I set out to make my OWN healthy soups — using a slow-cooker.

I am on my fourth batch & they have been a HUGE success — though, by design, I am the only one who eats them.

NO CARBS. Lots of vegetables — many high in fiber (e.g., leeks & cabbage).

I put a little bit of chicken in the prior batches (because I invariably have cooked chicken in the fridge) BUT not in this one.

The only meat in it is hot Italian sausage.

The rest is: caggage, water sprouts, diced mushrooms, leeks, squash, onions & Jalapeno peppers. It is spiced with 3 packets of Chinese soup flavoring, low-sodium Soy Sauce & an assortment of sauces, willy nilly from the fridge.

It should be good.

One batch lasts me a week. I then throw a bit away.

I really should do this on a commercial basis.

My Latest Endeavor — Making Soup For My Liquid-Heavy Diet.

by Anura Guruge
on July 4, 2022

Click to ENLARGE.

As anybody who has had the misfortune to see of late would have immediately seen, I have put on a lot of weight over the winter. So much so that I have take the batteries off my smart scales so I can’t weigh myself. I don’t want to know. The mirror already provides me with way to much data.

My problem, as ever, is plain, simple, piggish gluttony. I love food too much. I eat way too much.

But, I also don’t consume as much liquids as I should.

I don’t like water. I don’t drink water. Prior to the last 10 days my liquid consumption was 50% coffee, 50% wine. I know that quite a few of my many health problems can be attributed to this. So, I am trying new ways to add other liquids to my diet.

I like Chinese soup. So, I decided to try & make my own, so I can control the ingredients & NOT ADD SALT. I am not much into salt either, other than what I get in what I eat.

My soups are low-fat, low-carb, high in protein & chock a block with fiber.

So, this batch I made today consists of: chicken, hot Italian sausages, caggage, water sprouts, diced mushrooms, leeks, squash, onions & Jalapeno peppers. As with all things in my life, my soups have to be SPICY. So, I empty 1/2 bottle of red-hot chilli sauce, fair amount of Korean BBQ sauce, 3 packets of Chinese soup flavoring & any other hot sauces that come to hand. I also empty 1/4 bottle of Sherry.

It tastes great. I like it. Though I have been eating soup for about 10 days I haven’t lost any weight yet. DAMN.

Famed, “World’s Healthiest Meal” Chef, An Indian, Dies, Incongruously, Aged 45, Of An Heart Attack.

by Anura Guruge
on November 12, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. For U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ original.

I had never heard of him, nor (thankfully) his meals, prior to reading the above story, in the U.K. ‘Daily Mail‘, this morning. It was so incongruous, given his young age, that I had to look into it. 45 (& it is possible that he might actually have been 43) is young to die from a heart attack. I know folks who have had heart attacks at that age, including a first cousin, but they all lived to tell the tale. Yes, I know that each heart attack is different & any one can get one, at any ‘adult’ age, irrespective of physical fitness, conditioning or diet.

Appears he was obese before going on a health/diet kick. (Smile) I can relate to that.

There are pictures of him in the ‘Daily Mail’ article — one as recently as last month. To be honest he doesn’t look that well. He does not have the face of a thin man.

There is also a picture of one of his signature dishes. Small portions — but one v. full cup of rice! Carbs. Carbs kill.

Well, I hope folks look in to this. I am curious as to whether he saw a doctor on at least a yearly basis for a physical. I gather that folks are lackadaisical about physicals in the U.K. — & he probably thought he was still too young. Would be interesting to learn what his cholesterol was. You would think that if he was pushing healthy foods as much as he was doing he would publicize his health stats.

Well, it is a shame. But, alas, we don’t know the whole story. A pity he didn’t have the doctors I had at his age.

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