Tag Archives: desk

Our Artist’s Tentative Beginnings.

by Anura Guruge
on January 14, 2024

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This was her first desk when she was probably four or five.

We had forgotten about it, because it was in my office, covered with a sheet.

After my two Christmas books, I am FORCING myself to allocate some time to tasks other than writing. One of these tasks have been to finally, after over a decade, to reorganize my cluttered and chaotic office. I, to my amazement, have made great strides. I made a concerted (& very credible) effort to (majorly) declutter, rationalize and simplify. Succeeding. In the process I uncovered this desk — which has been under wraps for at least 10 years. WOW.

You can see the shapes she had started with … houses, Sun & stars. But, she had also written her name — in remarkably good script. Then there is also a LOT of binary. I know I taught both these kids binary, BUT I can’t remember how old they were.

This was cute. This was neat. I had to capture ‘her start’ & post it. She will hate me for doing so. SMILE.