Tag Archives: deer rescue

I Hope This NOT The Partial Remains Of The Deer We Rescued From The Lake!

by Anura Guruge
on January 15, 2024.

Click to ENLARGE.

This is just a PORTION of a deer. One leg and a bit. NOT what is left from a roadkill. Definitely looks like what was LEFT after the rest was ripped and EATEN. Maybe coyotes and we have coyotes and foxes.

Alas NOT far from the Lake from which we rescued the other deer.

I first saw these remains 3 days ago. It was fresh then, with a tinge of blood and no snow. But, I couldn’t take a picture that day because it was raining cats & dogs and I was trying to keep my phone dry.

I didn’t go past there yesterday. I did NOT expect to see the remains there today. Caught me by surprise. WOW.

Well I wanted to share with you. Keeping fingers crossed. The deer we rescued was very weak.

‘WMUR TV’ (Channel 9) Is Showing MY Deer Video From Yesterday.

by Anura Guruge
on January 5, 2024.

Click to ENLARGE. WMUR link.

Click to ENLARGE.

Two YouTube videos I took.

I had sent them the YouTube videos & they asked permission. Actually we had about a 6 e-mail exchange. They wanted to make sure.

This is cool.

I went and checked for the deer on the beach today. No sign of it. That is good. IT definitely got up, after the 2nd REST, and moved.

Dramatic Deer RESCUE On Semi-Frozen ‘Halfmoon Lake’, ‘Alton’ (N.H.) By ‘Alton Fire Dept.’

by Anura Guruge
on January 4, 2024.

Click images to ENLARGE.

Two YouTube videos I took.

The GOOD NEWS. It survived.
I went back to the beach, 90 minutes later, & checked all around.
It was gone. That meant it was mobile. WOW.

Halfmoon Lake‘, ‘Alton‘, New Hampshire is our ‘Association’ beach.

I try to swing by the beach MOST DAYS — year-round. Today was no exception. Swinging by the beach is part of my morning 4-mile, 2-hour, leisurely amble. Today, for a rare change, I didn’t have the dogs. They had walked 2 miles & I had taken them away. I was on my own.

As I approached the beach I could see this ‘black’ blog on the lake. Too big for a loon. My phone/camera has an AWESOME ZOOM. (Smile). It was a deer.

I have never had luck trying to call N.H. ‘Fish & Game’. So, I called 911 & asked for Alton Fire — & specified it was not an emergency. They were very nice.

Then I went back to the road to guide the fire trucks. While waiting I saw an ‘Alton DPW’ truck, with two of my ‘friends’, driving by. Flagged them down. ALL THREE ENTRANCES to the beach were chained off. So, they walked … Then a Green ‘Barnstead’ fire truck appeared. They had heard the call PLUS had someone from Barnstead call it in too.

I explained about the chains. Said I thought one of the chains had an ‘Emergency’ padlock. They didn’t have keys for such locks. So, they just cut one of the chains. I was impressed.

Alton Fire came in force. They launched their Airboat from the boat launch on Rte 28, on the other side of the Lake. Rest is history & you can see the pictures.

We thought the deer had broken its front legs. Not so. They had to use a noose, on a stick, to eventually to ‘drag’ it to the beach. We feared the worst.

But, it was OK. I went back to check.

Great JOB. WOW.