Tag Archives: death rate

This Unexpected & Marked DROP In U.S. Life Expectancy Has To Be Related To Gun Violence.

by Anura Guruge
on March 16, 2023

Click to ENLARGE. Click here for the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ article.

Something else I learnt from the U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ which I read, online, multiple times a day. Had not seen this anywhere else & it is worth pondering.

This does NOT ring true to me. It really does NOT. Does it ring true with you.

People, especially in the U.S., are living longer and longer.

I lead a fairly isolated & secluded life, so I appreciate my outlook is somewhat biased BUT I really don’t encounter that many deaths. In the last year I can’t think of anyone I associate with or who I know who died! Most folks I know just go on living.

I have to think that this NEW LOW number, IF TRUE, must be related to gun violence & fatalities therein. That is the only thing that would make sense. Young people getting killed by guns.

Your thoughts. This was too important not to bring it to your attention.