Tag Archives: Dean Phillips

‘Dean Phillips’ (My Man) On ‘CNN’ At ‘DNC 2024’. [CNN Video].

by Anura Guruge
on August 22, 2024

Click image to access the ‘CNN’ video.

I thought that I had heard that MY MAN, ‘Dean Phillips‘ had a speaking spot at ‘DNC 2024‘. But, I can’t find anything on ‘Google’ or ‘YouTube’. The above CNN interview is about as close as I can get.

I want to make sure you have access to it. My job is now done. Thanks. SMILE.

Click to access my post from November 2023.

I Appeared In The ‘Dean Phillips’ TV Ads Wayback Last Fall. I Had Been Wanting Biden Out For That Long.

by Anura Guruge
on July 21, 2024

Click to access my post from November 2023.

Nothing against Biden. I used to be HUGE fan. It was just that he was too old. Not his fault. We all get old. Glad he stepped down, though I wish he had done it much, much earlier. But, the key thing is that it is done.

Heard ‘Dean Phillips‘ speak to CNN this evening. He is supporting ‘Kamala Harris‘. Kind of disappointed, BUT he is being realistic. I applaud him for that.

But, just remember, I wanted Biden out LAST YEAR.

‘Dean Phillips’, After Last Night, Should Now Run As A 3rd Party Candidate — NOTHING TO LOSE, Nothing At Stake.

by Anura Guruge
on February 9, 2024.

Click to ENLARGE. E-mail I sent him this morning.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

From ‘Google‘.

When I was lucky enough to be introduced to him, I told him that I could NOT support him as a 3rd Party Candidate. We couldn’t afford to have any votes split. We couldn’t afford to lose a single vote. That was last October.

Then we had last night’s NIGHTMARE. Car crash …



No longer matters.

So, Dean might as well start getting name recognition for 2028.

He needs to run as a 3rd Party Candidate.

I Appear In The ‘Dean Phillips’ Campaign AD.

by Anura Guruge
on November 3, 2023

Click to ENLARGE.

From ‘Google‘.

I saw that ‘they’ (high campaign staff) were FILMING us as we spoke (& walked back to his bus). I kind of had a HUNCH that I would appear in SOME campaign Ad. I am STILL a rarity in New Hampshire — a non-white.

I only appear FLEETINGLY in the Ad. You don’t even have to blink to miss the shot. But, that is OK. Glad it shows me deep in talk. So, as you can see it wasn’t a meaningless ‘meet-and-shake‘.

I liked him.

As I said that day itself, I would have NO PROBLEMS supporting him for President.

I could even CAMPAIGN for him — & I have NOT campaigned for ANYONE since Obama in 2012!

I Can TOTALLY Support ‘Dean Phillips’ For President. Talked With Him For 10-Mins. Today. Very Impressive.

by Anura Guruge
on October 28, 2023

From ‘Google‘.

I lucked out (as is my wont). I was in ‘Laconia‘, this afternoon, at the same time he was. And I there are a FEW people in ‘the party’ who know me. They arranged for me to talk with him. He was heading back to his bus. I walked with him (in a light rain shower).

He assured me, right up front, that he will NOT run against Biden.

That was PARAMOUNT. I will NOT support a Third-Party candidate or anyone who plans to run against Biden.

We CANNOT — WE CANNOT — afford to have the vote SPLIT. We need every single vote.

Once that was out of the way, we had a good, productive — albeit short — chat.

He is impressive. Very personable. Very much a PEOPLE PERSON. He connects well.

Talks well. Has presence.

And he is YOUNG. He is FIT. Wow.

I can — AND WILL — support him. IF he becomes the CANDIDATE I will campaign for him, tirelessly (& with my pocketbook) like I did for ‘Obama‘ in 2008 (Primary & Election) & 2012.