Tag Archives: David Warner

This ‘No Ball’ Travesty Has To Stop, Particularly At The ‘Test Match’ Level — Makes A Mockery Of The Scores.

by Anura Guruge
on December 9, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News‘.

There are plenty more videos of this on YouTube if you are interested.

That was 13 runs that went a begging!

That is NOT right. In a low scoring match, as this might be, 13 runs can make a difference. This is NOT right.

Just Googling this for this post I see that the authorities are blaming the technology. Up until that point I was NOT sure whether technology was used — though I knew that it would NOT be hard to use technology to spot over-stepping. So, it appears technology is indeed used.

But, in this instance technology should be an aid, an adjunct.

The third umpire should be able to check for no balls by sight — having technology to back him up.

Come on. In the old days the on-field umpire had to do it all. Of course no balls went uncalled. But, I get a feeling that of late umpires miss more no balls than ever in the past.

I hope this AMUSING incident, with Ben Stokes & David Warner, brings this sorry no ball situation to a head. It has to stop. It has to be straightened out — once & for all, at least for Test Matches. I really don’t care about the other matches. Let’s just concentrate on Test Matches. Test Matches are SPECIAL. Let’s not sully them.

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