Tag Archives: Dartmouth Hitchcock

Inflation At Its Worst & Why We Pay So MUCH For Medical Care — $20.99 Per Pound For Cooked Turkey Breast –> $77.87 For 3.71 lbs Portion!

by Anura Guruge
on November 25, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. $77.87 for 3.71 pounds of Turkey. $20.99 per pound.
Click to ENLARGE. $13.13 for ONE Turkey drumstick. $8.99 per pound.
Click image to access their Website. The ‘Co-Op Food Store’.

Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE this ‘Co-Op’. It is MY type of store. Has an amazing selection of great food — food I love. Lot of Indian & Mediterranean food. They invariably have a good selection of Samosa — & I am a sucker for samosas (despite them being high in carbs). SHOPPING for lunch at the ‘Co-Op’ is the highlight of our way too frequent trips to ‘Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center‘ (DMHC) (though, ALAS, none of them are for my benefit per se). They have always been EXPENSIVE & I joke that while I love it, I am glad I don’t live close by because shopping there would bankrupt me (especially their cheese prices).

Well, these two items today were an EYE OPENER.


Obviously SOMEONE is paying these crazy prices.

Guess who?

Mainly those that work at DMHC — doctors, in particular.


Guess who PAYS THEM?


And to think we have kids who go to school, in the U.S., most likely even in Lebanon, HUNGRY.

No, I didn’t buy either of these. I couldn’t afford that. AMZN shares are WAY DOWN. SMILE.

I bought two spinach Samosas for $8.99. That was expensive, BUT …. I have to eat. SMILE. I only ate one. Saved the other for later.

Maybe I really should have heeded the wishes of my ADOPTIVE PARENTS. I should have become a doctor. Well, I could NOT have. I am not smart enough by a quarter. SMILE.

Well, digest this.

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‘Dartmouth-Hitchcock’ Suffers Another Blow To Its Already Declining Reputation & Credibility.

by Anura Guruge
on November 20, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. Link to U.K. ‘Daily Mail’ article.

Click to ENLARGE. Link to ‘Boston Globe’ article.

Dartmouth-Hitchcock‘, alas, is NOT what it used to be 20 years ago, never mind in its heyday in the mid-1900s. My youngest daughter was born there 16-years ago. It was a very different facility then. Yes, they still have some very fine & caring doctors, but they are getting fewer & fewer. I hear that they are struggling to recruit doctors!

But, the root cause of their decline, of course, has to do with the unholy, wholesale pursuit of the dollar. It is no longer a committed, dedicated medical institution, it is an amalgamation of (basically autonomous) business units each trying to outdo the other in terms of making money — in particular profits.

Quite a bit of it has been FRANCHISED! They have licensed & sold the NAME to franchisees. So, a medical center bearing the name ‘Dartmouth-Hitchcock’ might not have any relationship with the ‘hospital’ in ‘Dartmouth’. They are only using the name. Their relationship with the facility in Dartmouth would be NO different to any other clinic in New Hampshire.

The other problem has to do with SILOs. Everything is in tight, hermetically-sealed compartments — each a business unit in its own right. Getting services across the SILOs is difficult! The hospital is no longer a single, flat organization with everybody working together. They don’t work together. Plus, they are also forced to make sure that they make a profit.

Yes, alas, we still have to use DHMC. I wish he didn’t. Kind of IRONIC but of late a number of the doctor’s there have OPENLY told us to go to Boston! They have even referred us to Boston. WOW. Think about that. One even told me that we would get better & faster care in Boston. Yes, they are short staffed now.

Please don’t trust what I am saying. Check it out yourself. Find a few people within DHMC that are willing to talk to you.

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A Doctor At ‘Dartmouth-Hitchcock’, A Rheumatologist, Says My ‘Central Pain’ Book Is ‘Well Written, And Very Apropos’.

by Anura Guruge
on January 19, 2021

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Click to ENLARGE. First page. Can YOU relate?

This was yesterday, when, unsolicited, this rheumatologist told me this. It was humbling. He is nearly my age. So, he has been practicing for a long time. As a rheumatologist he knows about pain.

Made me realize that I need to AGAIN promote this book.

I wrote & published it in 2017. 5 years ago. I have written 8 books hence — none about pain. So, I move on. That is one of my MANY foibles. My interests, & with it, my writings change.

This ‘Central Pain’ book is important. It is the only one aimed at YOU, the sufferer of pain. As the reviews show some have found this book helpful.

I just haven’t promoted it. I didn’t write it to make money. SMILE.

Since 2017 the medical world has started calling ‘Central Pain’ ‘Central Sensitization‘ basically to get AWAY from the stigma of ‘pain’.

So, this book is also about ‘Central Sensitization’.

Check it out. You can look inside it, at Amazon, for FREE. The eBook is priced at U.S. $2.99.

IF you have pain make sure it is NOT Central Pain (or Central Sensitization).

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