Tag Archives: D-Day 80

Who Is Paying For “Jill Biden’s” 7,200 Round-Trip To Attend One Day In Court For ‘Hunter Biden’?

by Anura Guruge
on June 7, 2024

Click to ENLARGE. Base article from ‘The New York Times‘.

Click to ENLARGE.

Did YOU know about this?

Yes, she flew in for the DAY to attend the ‘Hunter Biden‘ trial.

I can find NO MENTION as to whether she is flying COMMERCIAL or on an Air Force plane.

Even IF she is flying commercial I would like to know WHO is paying.

Plus, there is ALL the security — Special Service agents.

This is NOT right.


I am blaming her & holding her responsible for Biden’s bid for a 2nd term.

She can STOP HIM. She should stop him.

That she won’t aggravates me no end.

D-Day 80: Most Poignant Moment Was ‘Volodymyr Zelenskyy’ With D-Day Veteran.

by Anura Guruge
on June 6, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to watch YouTube video or use YouTube embed below.

Magical. WOW. Tear inducing.

BOTH real men. What great examples.

What humility & humbleness from Zelenskyy.

He is a TRUE WORLD LEADER. We need more.

I won’t even mention ‘Biden‘!


My Personal Tribute To ā€˜D-Day 80ā€™, June 6, 2024, A Good Day To Recall Great Feats, Astounding Sacrifice & GreatĀ Leaders.

by Anura Guruge
on June 5, 2024

Follow Anura Guruge on WordPress.com

Click to ENLARGE.

We desperately need some genuinely GREAT leaders
more of the likes that STORMED the beaches.

2019, theĀ 75th anniversary, was, naturally, BIG. I remember that. I did this graphic for that.

Click to ENLARGE.

80-years! Wow. I gather that we still have some participants though, of course, they all have to be in their late 90. That is great. Very humbling.

I think of ‘D-Day‘ as probably the GREATEST day in the 20th century!

A solemn day in the end. Day to reflect, a day to give thanks ā€” that we are speakingĀ EnglishĀ rather thanĀ German.