Tag Archives: cricket series

IF Sri Lanka Is In Such Crisis Why Is It Hosting An Expensive Cricket Tour & Why Are The Stadiums Full?

by Anura Guruge
on June 8, 2022

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Click to ENLARGE. From ‘Google News’ a few minutes ago.

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘The Indian Express’ … click here for original.

Yes, of course, cricket is IMPORTANT. I, of all people, know & appreciate that.

But, staging an international cricket tour is v. EXPENSIVE & the lights and TV equipment require lots & lots of energy — something that Sri Lanka is currently desperately short of.

They don’t have petrol for their cars BUT they have all these floodlights BLAZING away.

The stadium was FULL. Everybody appeared to having a ball. None of them looked like they were hungry.


If they don’t have the money to buy food where are they getting money to pay for the tickets? Come on …

This is confusing.

The wrong image.

Yes, I have heard that the tour will raise some desperately needed foreign currency — possibly from the TV coverage. But, I am not sure whether the tour will actually be profitable.

Yes, I appreciate that cricket is a distraction.

But …

Come on.

The U.S. Is Playing An ICC Endorsed International Cricket Series Against Ireland — Right Now. How Amazing.

by Anura Guruge
on December 22, 2021

Click to ENLARGE. From ‘ICC-cricket.com‘.

Click to ENLARGE. Wikipedia link.

I still can’t get used to the notion of the U.S.A. playing ICC sanctioned
international cricket matches — & NOT just T20Is. Even ODIs! Wow.

Yes, I know they, i.e., the U.S.A., has played a few matches here & there.

But, BANG, suddenly — now — we have a full-blown series with T20Is & ODIs against Ireland. Yes, it is NOT one of the real BIG names, but Ireland is up there now — one of the 12 Full ICC members with Test playing rights. Wow. So, this is quite serious.

I just can’t get used to it, though way, way back, in the 1980s I did belong to a cricket club, in the U.S., in Massachusetts. Much has happened since, in particular a DRAMATIC increase in sub-Continentals settling in the U.S. I took a quick look at the current U.S. squad. There were three Patels! As far as I can see there are no Sri Lankans. But, this is all good.

When COVID is finally out of the way I should try to go and watch an international match in the U.S. It will be wild. I am happy. More cricket the better. SMILE.

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